Read KNOWN BY MY HEART for Free Online

Book: Read KNOWN BY MY HEART for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Bennett
little money in hand, Jasmine decides to go to the address Marco left her for his residential address.
    In the meantime, Marco has finished his courtesy call with the university dean, and is now on his way to the garden hall where his mother asked him to join her. Marco heeds to his mom’s urgent request, but is caught in traffic. Almost everybody on the road is trapped in heavy traffic, except for Jasmine, who is walking most of the way to Marco’s residence because she doesn't have enough money for a taxi.
    With sore feet and several failed attempts, Jasmine finally reaches Marco’s residence where she is confronted by security guards. As requested by Venus, Señora Rubio orders that Jasmine be denied any information about Marco and Venus. This causes Jasmine to turn her back against the well-guarded home, this time bursting with tears. Nevertheless, Jasmine stays outside the house to watch for Marco secretly.
    With the festive ambiance and preoccupied servants filling the Rubio residence, no one notices a wedding invitation card fall outside the gate. It was, however, something which Jasmine immediately picks up discretely.
    Upon reading the invitation, Jasmine can't believe what is written on it: Marco’s name for the groom and Venus in the spot for his bride. Such bold  proof only makes Jasmine hopelessly shake her head and  lean against the mansion’s wall as she painfully loses whatever remaining strength she has. Slowly sliding down the wall in weakness, her strength seems to return as her attention was awakened by a massive white car decorated in ribbons and white daisies which is just about to leave the mansion. Through tear-filled eyes she is certain that the last person to ride in the white vehicle is Venus dressed in her own version of a wedding gown.
    Jasmine is surprised to see Venus in Brazil, but she is more disgusted to see her in Marco’s mansion. In spite of her weakening body and confusion, she immediately stands up and without any delay tries to catch up with the white Toyota Grandia that veers away from the Rubio mansion.
    Jasmine wastes no time catching her breath as she tries catch the bridal car. Despite pouring out all her might, she is left behind by the bridal car and finds herself lying on the side of the driveway with the wedding invitation card in her hand. She is so overwhelmed with emotion, stress, and the long trip that Jasmine falls asleep.
    The hall where Marco’s wedding ceremony is to take place is located between a river and a highway. The vehicles passing on the highway are starting to move slowly, including the one Marco is in. When he finally parks his car and sees his mother, she  welcomes him with a big hug and then hands him his wedding suit with its masquerade  mask. "What’s the mask for, Mãe?" Marco asks as he examines a sophisticated mask, confused. Laughing mischievously, she whispers, "I forgot to tell you, son, but your wedding theme is a masquerade party. It is a surprise I and your fiancée have been organizing since you were busy vacationing in North Carolina and then in the university. So here - wear your mask now and your bride will wear hers as well. Quick, the wedding minister is about to arrive."
    Marco is looking for the men’s restroom when he suddenly notices the beautiful sunset. Instantly his attention and focus are diverted to it, and looking at the sunset he starts wondering why his heart is not beating as forcefully as it does every time he is around Jasmine. He is anticipating his heart to feel that way since she is expected to arrive any day now. But instead, his heart feels flat. Feeling troubled, Marco doesn't change into his wedding suit immediately, but tries to ponder this question more deeply until he notices the bridal car arriving to drop off the bride. True to form, the bride looks glamorous in her one-of-a-kind wedding gown, but still Marco doesn't feel his heart flip. He closely watches his bride,

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