Letters to Penthouse IV

Read Letters to Penthouse IV for Free Online

Book: Read Letters to Penthouse IV for Free Online
Authors: Penthouse International
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go riding with them, we jumped at the chance. Then Doug told us that we’d have to put on some leather before going riding, to protect our beautiful bods. Since he put it that way, we could hardly disagree. They had extra jackets with them and leather chaps that we were able to put on over our jeans.
    In a few minutes we were all set. I slid down onto the bike saddle behind Doug and soon realized that I’d be pretty well jammed up against his ass. Before long I was holding on for dear life, and I began to appreciate the sensation of gripping him through his leather suit, which made me feel as if I were stroking his nude body. About then we rounded a turn and were leaning into the curve; I ended up grabbing Doug below the belt to keep my balance and was excited to learn that he was just as turned on as I was. His big cock was straining against the leather. I stroked the ample bulge and wished wildly that I could get my hand-inside his tight jeans. By now the crotch of my jeans was becoming wet from my pussy’s love juices. Not only did I have this big, handsome guy locked in my arms, but also the motorcycle was vibrating under me like a huge electric dildo.
    Soon we reached the mountaintop and stopped to rest. The guys spread out their sleeping bags. Then Doug, giving me a piercing look, said, “Why don’t you girls take off your regular clothes and then put the leathers back on? Leather isn’t just good for biking, you know. Besides, you’ll find it’s a tough chick who can take what we’re about to give you. When we fuck, it’s as physical as that run up the mountain was, but you both look like you can handle it and maybe dish out a little rough and tumble of your own.” They helped us out of our clothes, and I ended up wearing only a waist-length leather jacket, a pair of chaps belted tight at my waist (leaving my tail and crotch all exposed for Doug to play with) and a pair of knee boots. Candy wore the same things, except that she had on a skimpy vest instead of a jacket.
    Doug and Eric, obviously excited by our outfits, began to fondle us feverishly. By the time Doug finally let me pull his cock out of his leather pants, we were both ready to explode. He took me down in almost a football-type tackle on the rocky, dirty hilltop and rode me like a wild man. Finally he thrust one deep last time into my cunt, and we both exploded in a thundering climax.
    Eric and Candy were still at it meanwhile. He had mounted her from the rear, grinding her bare nipples into the rocky ground as he plunged against her backside. She was shrieking hysterically, but obviously out of passion, not pain. I was turned on again by now, so Doug lay me down across his motorcycle and mounted me from behind. Then he lifted me up and let me sit on his pulsing tool, pushing me forward so that my breasts dangled on either side of the gas tank. He began to hump me as if this were the last fuck he’d ever have. It seemed the more Doug got, the rougher he wanted to play. I was glad that I was wearing the leather, because he was almost brutal in the way he handled me. It wasn’t exactly S&M, I guess, but it was the closest I ever came to it, and it wasn’t bad at all!
    That night we went back to the camper and slept together, but the next morning Doug and Eric were up and packing before Candy and I were quite awake. Doug asked me if I wanted to come with him, but I foolishly decided that I should return to my job in town. It was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, and if I ever run into a Hell’s Angels type again, I won’t be so quick to pass any negative judgment; I’ll just grab him and never let him go.—
L.E., Silver Spring, Md.
    My wife and I are avid readers of
Penthouse Letters
and thought you and your readers might like to hear how your magazine has helped add a new dimension to our sex lives. My wife, Jodi, is twenty-five and I am thirty. We are very liberal is our sexual

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