Lilith's Awakening

Read Lilith's Awakening for Free Online

Book: Read Lilith's Awakening for Free Online
Authors: Aubrey Ross
Tags: Lilith, bondage, menage, demon, demon erotica

Chapter Five
    Tingling still from Jetrel’s mental wooing,
Lilith strolled along the grassy riverbank. He told her not to
wander far and then slipped away into the trees. She suspected he
was going to speak with his elusive “source”, but she hadn’t
bothered to ask. She heard a startled gasp and spun around, her
sight penetrating the gathering shadows.
    “I’d convinced myself you weren’t real, that
I’d imagined… Who are you?”
    Irrational longing tightened her chest and a
deep pulsing erupted between her thighs. How could she still desire
this creature after Jetrel had pleased her so thoroughly? Shame
cascaded on the heels of her lust, making her feel conflicted and
    Adam stood before her tall and proud, a
literal personification of the Light. He was so different from
everyone she’d ever known—even Jetrel. She simply couldn’t fight
her fascination.
    No! She was a demon, as Jetrel was so fond
of pointing out. She had to accept that basic fact before she could
set a course for the rest of her life. Regardless of Adam’s appeal,
he was not meant for her.
    And she was not meant for him.
    “Who I am is not
important,” she told him. “You should be worried about what I am.” It was as
much a reminder to her as a warning for him. This had to be a clean
break, a final parting, or the temptation would simmer and smoke,
spreading discontentment through the rest of her life.
    “You tricked me.” His gaze narrowed and he
took a step toward her. “You made me believe you were my mate. I
never would have touched you had I known—”
    “It was not pain you were feeling while you
thrust between my thighs.” He was making this easier than she’d
expected. She let her anger erode his appeal. “Don’t pretend you
were the victim. You were much too easily defiled!”
    Guilt flashed for a moment in the depths of
his gaze before he turned his face away. He clenched his jaw and
balled his hands into fists. “My mate must never know. You must
leave this place and never show yourself to me again.”
    “Oh I must, must I?” She circled him slowly,
keeping herself a step ahead of his retreating gaze. She was so
sick of males telling her what to do, especially when their only
claim to superiority was the fact that they were male. “What will
you do if I don’t? You have no power over me.”
    “I do not, but God does!” His amber gaze met
hers boldly. “You are a conniving temptress from the pit of hell!
My mate is perfect. Flesh of my flesh. You cannot compete with
    She laughed, harsh and
hollow. “ Compete ?” She spat the word at him, astonished by his arrogance.
Darkness welled within her, consuming the last of her foolish
infatuation. “With that pale excuse for a female? Why would I
bother? She would have to possess something worth competing for.
Make no mistake, Adam . Regardless of what transpired between us in the past—from
this moment on—we are enemies!”
* * *
    “I want you to defile the female,” Lilith
said passionately.
    “No!” Jetrel returned just
as vehemently. “I will not defile a human. We have nothing to gain.
Besides, Adam will have warned her. These creatures are not that stupid.”
    “He can’t warn her without incriminating
himself. She knows nothing. I want the bitch defiled!”
    “Then fuck her yourself.” Jetrel shook his
head. “Your obsession with the humans will get us both killed.”
    She crossed her arms over her chest and
glared at him. “What did your spy have to say?”
    “Nothing we hadn’t figured
out on our own. The event was…uneventful. We return at
    He disappeared into the shadows and Lilith
muttered a curse. She kicked a clump of dirt into the river,
watching the clear water turn murky and brown.
    Damn him! Damn them both.
    “Ssso, you are Jetrel’sss mate.”
    “I am no one’s mate!” She looked around to
see who had addressed her.
    “He sssaid you were sssweet. I can hardly

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