Loitering With Intent

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Book: Read Loitering With Intent for Free Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
    Tommy sighed. Dealing with criminals is a lot easier, he said.
    They have accomplices and parole offi cers, people you can talk to when you're looking for them. Rich kids just have drug dealers and ma+ Tommy's face brightened. Wait a minute. Your boy had a table booked at Antonia's, an Italian restaurant on Duval, the night we arrested him.
    So? Dino asked.
    Tommy was already pushing buttons on his cell phone. Hi, it's Lieutenant Tommy Sculley, Key West PD. The night before last you had a reservation for an Evan Keating; did you get a phone number for him? Tommy scribbled something in his notebook. Thanks, he said, then he hung up. He ripped the sheet from his notebook and handed it to Stone. Your boy has a cell phone number, 917 area code.
    Can your computers track cell phone numbers? Stone asked.
    They can.
    Do me a favor, Tommy. Ask your office to wait until late tonight and see if you can locate the phone. That might tell us where Evan Keating is laying his curly head at night.
    Tommy made the call.

    Chapter 10
    STON E A N D D IN O were breakfasting on their front porch when Stone's cell phone vibrated. He flipped it open. Hello?
    It's Tommy.
    Good morning.
    And to you. We got an overnight hit on Evan Keating's cell phone.
    Hallelujah! Where's he staying?
    Well, you were right, he's on a boat.
    Which marina?
    No marina; he's anchored out at the reef.
    Let me put you on speaker, so Dino can hear this. Stone pressed the button. Go.
    Key West has the only coral reef left in the continental United States. Everybody goes out there to snorkel and scuba, so a lot of moorings have been put down, to keep people from tearing up the coral with anchors. That's where we picked up Keating's cell phone, around two A . M.
    Great, I'll go out there and visit him.
    Hang on. We're not getting his phone now, not at the reef or anywhere else.
    Maybe he's charging the thing. He could still be there.
    So are a lot of other people. How are we going to know which boat?
    Have you got coordinates?
    Yeah, but I don't know how accurate they are. If you like, I'll take you out there. How about we meet at the yacht club in an hour? The boat's name is Rosie, and she's visible from the front door of the club.
    You're on, Stone said. See you then. He hung up.
    Stone, Dino said, here's a thought: You've got the guy's cell phone number; why don't you just call him up and talk to him?
    I thought of that; he'd just hang up in my face, and he might stop using the cell phone or change his number, and we'd have no way at all to trace him.
    Okay, it was just a thought.
    They finished breakfast and headed for the Key West Yacht Club.
    R OS I E TU R N E D O U T to be just as Tommy had described her: a fat, 30-foot fiberglass bathtub, with engines, a cabin and a fl ying bridge up top.
    Tommy welcomed them aboard; the engines were already running.
    Tell me something, Stone said. If we all went up to the fl y-bridge, would this thing turn upside down?
    Tommy laughed. It looks that way, but she's well ballasted.
    He edged out of the boat's berth and began running along the east side of Garrison Bight, not far off the Roosevelt Boulevard sidewalk.
    There's a little channel here with six feet or so, Tommy said. All that open water to starboard is not navigable by anything more boisterous than a kayak; too shallow.
    They picked up some channel markers and headed out of the bight, then under the bridge and into more open water. Five minutes later they were running at 25 knots, and Tommy pointed to their destination on his electronic chart plotter. Keating's phone was right about there, he said.
    They ran on for another twenty minutes, then Tommy began to slow down. See those boats out there? he asked, pointing.
    Yep, Stone replied.
    That's roughly where we got the location of the phone. He slowed down further as they approached the moored boats. There were a dozen or so, all but one powerboats.
    Let's get a close look, Stone said.
    Okay, we'll check every

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