Looking for Lucy Jo

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Book: Read Looking for Lucy Jo for Free Online
Authors: Suzy Turner
    ‘Nobody local.’
    ‘What, just someone passing through?’
    ‘I guess.’
    ‘Do you know his name?’
    The man knitted his eyebrows together, ‘Yeah, it’s right here. Let me have a look,’ he climbed into the driver’s seat and leaned forward, going through some papers in the front passenger seat. He didn’t seem at all bothered about giving out the information.
    ‘Stan something or other, I think. Yup. Stanley Sophokles.’
    Lana’s face dropped and she turned to Emma. ‘We’ve got to go now.’
    ‘We need to get home, lik e no w , sis.’
    Pulling her back towards their bikes, Scott had barely even noticed when he turned and the girls were no longer there.
    ‘Oh, wait up, I’m coming,’ he yelled after them.
    ‘Sorry,’ he said to the new owner of the Hummer. ‘Nice car.’
    The man nodded his head, before strapping his children into the vehicle.
    ‘What’s going on?’ Emma asked as they cycled quicker than ever before, leaving Scott in their wake.
    ‘Didn’t you recognise the name?’
    ‘No, I don’t know anyone named Stan.’
    ‘The surname, Emma, the surname.’
    Emma looked puzzled as she puffed over the hill, letting herself free wheel for a few minutes to get her breath back.
    ‘Sophokles? You really don’t remember?’
    Emma shook her head.
    ‘That’s Sthenelaus’s surname.’
    Telling Scott that they weren’t feeling very well and needed to go and lie down, the sisters left him standing at the gate. He watched them disappear indoors, shrugged, and went home.
    ‘Declan!’ yelled Lana the second the door was closed. ‘Declan!’
    Both he and Patrick appeared from the kitchen, where they’d been poring over a map of the island. ‘What is it?’ he asked.
    ‘We know who took Lucy Jo,’ Emma gulped.
    Lana glanced at her before blurting out, ‘Sthenelaus.’
    Declan’s face dropped and he sighed heavily.
    ‘Who’s Sthenelaus? Who is the man who has my daughter?’
    ‘Sorry, mate, but you’d better sit down.’
    Patrick shook his head. ‘You’re always telling me to sit down. I just want to know the truth.’
    ‘And we’re going to tell you. Please, have a seat, mate.’
    Holding up his hands in surrender, Patrick walked back into the kitchen and sat down on a stool. ‘Okay, I’m sitting down. Now, can you enlighten me?’
    ‘Sthenelaus Sophokles is a very dangerous Skull.’
    ‘What’s a Skull?’
    ‘They’re like Watchers, but bad guys,’ answered Lana.
    ‘Yeah, they have a similar tattoo on their backs but instead of a winged-eye, they have a skull with broken wings.’
    ‘What do you mean by bad guys?’
    ‘They fight for evil, not good.’
    ‘But they have the same capabilities as the Watchers do?’
    ‘Many of them have special abilities, yes,’ Declan answered before continuing, ‘and Sthenelaus is one of the worst. We recently came up against him in London and it wasn’t nice, mate.’
    ‘We thought he’d killed Lana’s boyfriend,’ Emma whispered.
    ‘But Barber managed to escape, and we think Sthenelaus might have been injured in the process.’
    ‘So you think he’s taken Lucy Jo to get back at Barber?’ Patrick said, confused.
    ‘Something like that,’ Declan replied. ‘But we can’t be sure.’
    ‘How bad is he?’ Patrick whispered.
    ‘Honestly?’ Declan asked, and Patrick noded. ‘We’re not really sure about the extent of his powers because he always uses other Skulls to do his dirty work, but he must be pretty evil for them all to look up to him. Girls, why do you think it’s him?’
    Lana explained how they’d come to the conclusion and Declan nodded, rubbing his forehead.
    ‘But it wasn’t Sthenelaus that broke into the house,’ Lana suddenly whispered. ‘I would have known if it was him. I’d have recognised him for sure.’
    ‘So maybe this Stan is a relative?’
    ‘I reckon that’s quite likely,’ Declan said as he pulled out his mobile phone and dialled Praxos.

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