
Read LovingDragon for Free Online

Book: Read LovingDragon for Free Online
Authors: Garland
If you will give me a second to get on my bike, I can be right behind you.”
    “Thank you, but I’m sure you’re tired, you don’t really have to do that. I’ll be fine.”
    “So just humor me then, okay?” Dragon said with a smile that almost made her drop her panties right there and then. Good thing she was sitting down.
    Cat managed instead to smile back and in what she hoped was a normal voice say, “Yeah okay, thanks.” The drive to the apartment took less than ten minutes, but for some reason it felt much longer to Cat. She was glad Dragon was there when she pulled up to the door. The parking lot was dark, but she felt safe knowing he was looking out for her.
    At the door she turned to look at him, “would you like to come in?” she asked and she was pretty sure he could hear her heart beating as she waited his answer.
    “I don’t think that would be a good idea Cat.” Dragon said.
    She tilted her head to the side, “Why not?”
    “Because I’m not going to want to come in for tea and cookies princess, I’m going to want to stay the night and maybe finish what we started earlier,” he whispered.
    Cat flinched at him calling her princess, “Well would that be such a bad thing?”
    “You tell me. What is it you want from me, Catherine? And make damn sure you know before I step across this threshold. My southern mama raised me a gentleman, but I have my limits, I’m just a man after all and you are one beautiful woman.”
    Dragon was asking her to make the decision, to let him know what she wanted. Her whole life decisions had been made for her without anyone once asking her what she would like. She was told what to wear, what to eat, which schools to go to even which boys came from the right families and were appropriate for her to date. And when she had set her foot down and insisted on going to college, they had objected, knowing all along they wouldn’t let her because her husband had already been chosen for her too.
    Cat knew that if she said no, that Dragon would turn and walk away, no questions asked. There would be no pleading, no belittling of her for the choice she made. He would just simply leave. Cat knew she didn’t want him to go. Dragon was honest, straight forward and to the point, a man of few words, but he stood by those words. He was putting the choice in her hands. This was Cat’s chance, a chance to choose her own fate. To finally get what she wanted and Cat wanted Dragon. She wanted his heat, his strength, his innate goodness that she sensed in his heart. She felt with every fiber in her body that this was right, that this man was right. This was a decision that she would never regret making.
    Pulling the door wider, she smiled. “Well, I’m afraid we’re fresh out of tea and cookies anyway.”

Chapter Nine
    Dragon stepped through the threshold and closed the door behind him. He placed his hands on both sides of Cat’s face and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. He kissed her like he had been starving for oxygen and she held the mask. His lips moved over Cats taking them possessively. Insisting that she give as well as he was giving. Sliding his tongue into her parted lips he moved it to twist and turn around her own, only releasing her mouth so the two of them could gasp for air. She felt so damn good in his arms, just like he knew she would. It was like he was home, like this slip of a woman was his. Catherine had haunted his dreams at night and managed to jumble his thoughts during all his waking hours and was here now driving him insane from the want of her.
    His mouth worked its way down the side of her elegantly long neck, nibbling and kissing as his hot breath blew across her ear, making her shiver and lean into him, pressing her body to his. His hands tangled in her long hair and he gently used it to pull her head back so he could have better access to her throat. He worked his way back to her mouth before whispering, “Catherine where’s the bedroom?’

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