
Read LuckoftheDraw for Free Online

Book: Read LuckoftheDraw for Free Online
Authors: Jayne Kingston
when he shifted and sucked her nipple into his mouth, gripping her
other breast hard.
    He could have told her how many nights he’d lain awake with
his cock hard and aching while she slept soundly, unaware. He could have reminded
her that they’d only been friends until she’d stepped into his arms and kissed
him one very short moment ago. Only he didn’t want to talk. He wanted show her
the things he’d spent those long, sleepless nights imagining he was going to do
to her instead.
    He shifted again, this time going onto his knees on the
floor beside the bed. He grasped the backs of her calves and pulled her toward
the edge of the mattress. With his hands cradling her ass, he buried his face
between her legs and touched his mouth to her pussy.
    Her legs fell open wide when he stroked her with his tongue,
tasting her for the first time. She was slick and salty-sweet and so
unbelievably hot. Heaven.
    He sought out and circled the tight little bundle of nerves
of her clit with his tongue and watched her eyes roll back into her head. He
lifted her hips an inch or so off the bed and flicked her back and forth,
lightly at first, and then with more pressure. She reached down and covered his
hands with hers, head turned to one side and eyes closed, her stomach rising
and falling with every panting breath.
    It was glorious, watching her writhe and hearing her moan
his name in her rich, velvety voice. The muscles of her legs began to quiver
the closer he brought her to orgasm. When she gasped and pulled her thighs
together suddenly, she just about boxed his ears in, making him laugh against
    Petra wiggled out of his grip with a harshly whispered
“fuck.” She sat up and grabbed his hair and attempted to haul him back up the
bed. “Now,” she demanded.
    He got hold of her legs and tried to dump her onto her back
again. “Let me finish.”
    “No.” She squirmed out of his grasp and went up on her knees
in front of him. “Finish inside of me,” she demanded, pulling on his arms this
    He was definitely going to be sick. Fate was certainly a
twisted bitch, wasn’t she?
    At first Petra couldn’t figure out what was happening. One
moment she’d been primed to go off, her singular focus getting him onto the bed
and inside her, and then nothing was happening at all.
    He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down
so she was sitting on her heels. It wasn’t until he rested his forehead on her
knees and groaned that she understood exactly what was happening.
    “Still nothing?”
    He shook his head.
    She covered her mouth with one hand and closed her eyes,
trying desperately to control the heat raging inside her so she could think a
little more clearly. It wasn’t easy, but Alex’s stalled engine was obviously
having a far worse effect on him than putting on the brakes was going to have
on her.
    After a moment she opened her eyes and brushed his hair to
one side.
    “Maybe we just don’t have the right chemistry.”
    She knew it was a lie even as the words were coming off her
lips. If the way he made her feel wasn’t chemistry, then she had no idea what
the word really meant.
    He shook his head again, just a little twitch of denial that
made her smile.
    She ran her hands up and down his back as she struggled to
find the right thing to say. Then, for the first time in the entirety of their
friendship, she told him what she thought he might want to hear. “Alex, honey,
it happens to everyone.”
    He sat up straight and pinned her with a look so vicious it
caused a delicious little shiver of fear to run down her spine. After a moment
he leaped to his feet and snatched his pants off the floor, muttering to
himself. She caught words like “sick” and “creepy” and “so fucking wrong” here
and there, but mostly he sounded like the guy who sometimes hung around outside
the hospital, gibbering to no one in particular.
    “Don’t you dare walk out on me,” she said, climbing off the
bed on

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