Made For Us
to start her lengthy apology, but in typical fashion, Martha waved her off.
    “He made me promise that you aren’t going to handle anything but his houses until the project is complete, and all you can do is nod?”
    “Wait… what ? He wants me to do the job?” It would have been nice if he had mentioned that to her rather than making her sweat it out.
    “Well, of course he does. Didn’t he tell you that before you left?”
    Sarah’s tip about ESP came back to Zoe, and she felt the urge to find Aidan and strangle him. It was one thing to pull that kind of nonsense after she’d become familiar with his methods—she’d had plenty of practice from decoding Martha’s demands—but she was not okay with it right out of the gate. Not cool.
    If he wanted to work with her even after she had pretty much ripped his house apart, though, Zoe figured she must have done something right.
    “You’re looking pretty fierce, Zoe,” Martha said quizzically. “I thought you’d be pleased.”
    Putting her attention back on her boss, Zoe tried to relax. She’d deal with Mr. Aidan Shaughnessy later. “I am pleased. I’m just surprised he called you already,” Zoe said, even though it was the decision, not the phone call, that surprised her. Aidan Shaughnessy was full of surprises, it seemed.
    Martha waved her off. “He’s just like that. We’ve worked with Mr. Shaughnessy on small projects in the past, but this is a huge opportunity for the firm. After the way things went down with Sarah, I’m glad you were able to salvage the situation.”
    “Did you think he was going to fire the firm over it?”
    “No,” Martha said, but she didn’t sound too confident. “I’ve been doing this for a long time. The biggest obstacle to overcome is doing so many houses for one client. We need to keep it fresh and new and exciting and make sure we’re not just cloning the first house. Do you know what I mean?”
    “Absolutely. I haven’t had the opportunity to look over the specs of the rest of the models, but I’ll get on that tonight so I can be prepared.”
    “There’s a lot riding on this project, Zoe. I chose you because you understand what that’s like. I know you and your firm were highly respected back in Arizona. It’s going to be nice not to have to babysit you.”
    Zoe wasn’t so sure. After all, they might still have the job, but she was certain it was going to take a little while for everyone to settle in and get comfortable working together.
    And reading each other’s minds.
    Oh good Lord , Zoe thought for a moment, good thing it doesn’t go both ways . The things going on in her mind when she’d gotten her first look at Aidan were less than professional.
    I have got to stop thinking about that , she told herself.
    “I appreciate your confidence in me, Martha. I won’t let you down.”
    Her boss visibly relaxed. “Okay, well, I have the schedule that Mr. Shaughnessy emailed over.”
    He already sent over a schedule? Zoe thought. “I’ll check it out when I get into my office.”
    “No worries. I’ve already printed out a copy for you so you can get started right away .” She handed it to Zoe almost reluctantly.
    It took less than a minute for Zoe to realize why. “Is he crazy?” she cried. “This schedule is impossible! There is no way to get everything done in that time frame!” When Martha chuckled, Zoe looked up at her. “What? What’s so funny?”
    “You’ll understand once you get to know Mr. Shaughnessy. He’s a bit of a…”
    “Tyrant? Control freak?” Zoe supplied. Sexy distraction?
    “I was going to say enigma. Everyone may chafe under the way he handles things, but they put up with it because his methods produce spectacular results. He gets things done when no one else can.”
    That was easy for Martha to say, but it didn’t do a thing to make Zoe feel any better about working with him or his ridiculous schedule. With a smile and a promise to keep Martha up-to-date, Zoe took her

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