Made For Us
things to her office and shut the door.
    “Enigma, my ass,” she muttered. “Just another way of saying that he’s difficult.”

Chapter 3
    It was after seven when Zoe finally left the office, but she was considering going by the Shaughnessy model home one more time for inspiration. It would require only a minor detour, and then she promised to reward herself for a hard day’s work with some takeout for dinner.
    “Minor detour” proved to be a bit of an understatement however. The sun was still shining as Zoe slowly drove along the main street through town, and she was still not yet accustomed to all of the tourist traffic. Droves of people were milling about, looking as if they’d just left the sand and surf. Zoe felt a pang of envy. She had purposely rented a house right on the beach, yet she hadn’t had much time to enjoy it since moving in. And from the look of Aidan Shaughnessy’s schedule, she wouldn’t be enjoying it anytime soon.
    Up ahead she could barely make out the sign indicating the entrance to the Shaughnessy community. But it wasn’t tourist traffic blocking her way; it was construction vehicles.
    What in the world?
    Slowing down, Zoe carefully maneuvered her car through the numerous large trucks and found a spot to pull over. Climbing out of the car, she saw a steady stream of workers going in and out of the house. A loud, booming voice yelling orders immediately brought her attention to the man standing on the front lawn.
    Maybe it wasn’t the best time for her to be here, but if she was going to work with him and try to keep on schedule, it only made sense for her to find out exactly what was going on. She opened the small, white picket gate, which seemed pointless considering the construction team had ripped out most of the fencing for easier access to the house. Still, she was trying to go for the more civilized approach as she entered the yard.
    As if sensing her arrival, Aidan turned and looked right at her. “Miss Dalton,” he said casually, although his voice told her that he was somewhat taken aback by her sudden appearance on the site. “Did we have an appointment?”
    “Apparently we have several,” she said briskly. She tried to hide it with a smile, but Aidan’s knowing smirk told her otherwise.
    “So Martha gave you the schedule.”
    Zoe nodded. “I would have appreciated you just going over it with me while I was here earlier. Obviously you already had it written up and ready to go.” He shrugged and went back to talking to one of the contractors, and Zoe had to count to ten to keep calm. “I don’t mean to be rude here, but what’s going on?”
    “Excuse me a minute,” Aidan said to the worker before turning back to Zoe. “What does it look like, Miss Dalton?”
    Oh, so it was going to be like that, was it? “It looks like you’re tearing apart a perfectly beautiful house!” she said, a tad loudly. Numerous people stopped moving, but as soon as Aidan turned and looked at them, they went back to work. “I know we talked about some of the issues on the inside of the house, and I’ve gone over your schedule, but this seems extreme.”
    Aidan was taken aback. Was she arguing with him? No one argued with him. Well, except for his family. On his job sites, however, no one dared. Folding his arms across his chest, he scowled at her. He waited for her to apologize, or at least squirm, but she didn’t. She held her ground. Score one to Zoe .
    “The mess your former colleague made put me behind schedule. This kind of action is needed to move forward and still be able to reveal the models on time.”
    Keeping her earlier opinions about a lot of the problems not actually being Sarah’s fault to herself, Zoe gave a mild shrug. “I suppose. But…if I could…maybe make a suggestion?” The stormy look in his eyes almost stopped her. Almost. “Okay, I can see why you have the drywall guys here and why you’re taking care of all of those issues, but the rest of

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