Made of Stars
button-up shirt and some sweats. Both of which will be too big on him, but it’s better than nothing. I flip on the television, a random channel, for nothing other than the white noise.
    Chance is shirtless, and his dragon tattoo is beautiful. I have the urge to reach out and touch it, to trail my fingers from one star to the next, and the next…creating the image of Draco mapped out on his skin. Without entirely meaning to, my gaze dips lower and catches on his hipbone, a splotch of dark. Mottled black and blue.
    I sit up a little straighter, expecting it to be a trick of the light.
    Chance must feel my eyes on him, because he snatches the flannel from my hand and quickly turns his back to me while slipping it on. “Take a picture, why don’t you.”
    “Did you hurt yourself?” I ask. “Your—uh. The bruises.”
    “What?” He slips into the sweatpants and turns back around. The shirt buttons are done up wrong but he clearly doesn’t care. He pushes a hand back through his damp hair and falls carelessly into bed beside me, stretching out. I have the urge to pull up the shirt and point to exactly what I’m talking about. Let him worm his way out of that.
    But I don’t. I just stare down at him, wondering if I imagined it. Wondering if I’m over-thinking, because there are a million ways a person can get a bruise on his hip, and Chance is not exactly the most graceful of creatures. Besides, he’d probably think I was a freak for having been staring to begin with. Maybe something is wrong with me, seeing as all that staring and visually tracing that tattoo with my eyes has left me a little uncomfortable. His close proximity in the bed isn’t doing a thing to help how warm my face has gotten, either.
    We aren’t kids anymore, so I wonder if this isn’t okay like it used to be. Maybe I should tell him, but I can’t think of a way to word it that wouldn’t hurt his feelings. Chance doesn’t see things like most people do. We used to share a bed, he would say, so what changed?
    He stretches out on his back and stares up at the stars on the ceiling. Lifting a hand, he points. “It’s glowing bright tonight.” Without taking my eyes off him, I know he’s talking about Draco.
    “They’re plastic stars, Chance,” I say. “They all glow about the same.”
    A crease forms between his brows. “Nuh uh. Look at it. The dragon is brightest.”
    His cold fingers grab my face, turning it to look up. Bizarre. I could swear that he’s right. As though by saying it, the stars forming his favorite constellation are brighter than the others. I smile a little, made difficult by his fingers pressing into my cheeks, but he doesn’t let go.
    “Nah. Looks the same.”
    “Don’t be difficult. You’re still in trouble for lying to me.”
    Oh. So much for the hope he’d let that slide. The stars give me something to focus on. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.”
    “If it weren’t a big deal, you would’ve mentioned it.” His gaze burns into me. “Rachael’s feelings would probably be hurt.”
    No probably about it. Rachael has always been insecure about how invested I am in our relationship. No matter what I’ve tried to do to change that over the year we’ve been together, nothing seems to help. Over the last few months, my resolve for trying has weakened.
    Except what I said on the phone to her… How much is that going to change things? It has the potential to make them a lot better, but knowing my luck, it’ll make everything a hundred times worse. Because what am I going to do the next time she calls and says I love you ? Say it back even when I don’t mean it? Skirt around it, which will inevitably lead to questions or an argument?
    Chance rolls onto his side to face me. “What’s she like?”
    I really don’t want to be talking to him about her. I’m not ready to take these two polar opposites and try to crush them together. His scrutinizing gaze makes me shift

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