Money Run

Read Money Run for Free Online

Book: Read Money Run for Free Online
Authors: Jack Heath
know anything about me.
    â€œAnyway, here’s your cheque,” Buckland said. He handed Ash an envelope. “Ten thousand dollars; congratulations. Any plans for spending it?”
    â€œNope. I’m putting it in my AU account,” Ash said. “I’ll have earned $350 interest by the end of the year.”
    Buckland frowned. “You mean $700, don’t you?”
    Ash winced inwardly. She was splitting the prize money with Benjamin, but Buckland wasn’t supposed to know that.
    â€œYes,” she said, “of course. Sorry, I’m just excited.”
    â€œAnd here,” Buckland said, rummaging through his desk, “is a voucher entitling you to two regular coffees. You can either use it at the café downstairs, or at any coffee shop on this street – I own them all.”
    He handed her a card in a little plastic wallet. “I know I’ve just given you enough money for about three thousand reasonably priced coffees, but the cheque will take a couple of days to clear, and I figured you might want one to celebrate right away.”
    Ashley laughed. “Thanks, Mr. Buckland.”
    â€œYou’re welcome,” he said. He glanced at his watch.
    â€œThis has been fun, but I’m supposed to be meeting a potential business partner at five o’clock. No rest for the wicked.” He offered his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
    â€œYou too,” Ash said, shaking it. “Good luck with your travels.”
    â€œThanks. And please don’t tell anyone about that until I’m gone. You wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise, right?”
    Ash shook her head. “I’ll keep my mouth shut. Least I can do.”
    â€œExcellent.” Buckland punched in a combination on his keyboard, and Ash heard the locks on the big doors click open. “Well, goodbye.”
    Ash turned to look at him once more as she approached the doors. He was already engrossed in other things, removing a piece of paper from his desk drawers with one hand and typing with the other. They would probably never meet again – the next time she saw him might be on the news, as the media realized he’d skipped town.
    She twisted the handle and walked through.
    Keighley smiled at her. “Hello again.” He nodded at a man sitting on the couch, in the same spot Ash had occupied while she was waiting. “Mr. Ford? You can go in now.”
    The man looked up from his pocket watch, stood, and straightened his suit. He barely looked at Ashley as he walked past her through the doors. They swung shut behind him.
    â€œWell, how was that?” Keighley asked. “Exciting?”
    â€œYeah, it was great.”
    â€œCan I take you to the cafeteria, or are you going straight home?”
    Ash needed to discuss the conversation with Benjamin. “It’s okay, I’ll show myself out. I need to use the bathroom first. Is there one on this floor?”
    Keighley pointed down the corridor they had arrived through. “Third on the right. There’s another lift you can use there. Remember to hand in your name badge on your way out.”
    â€œThanks.” Ashley started walking. When she was out of sight and earshot around the corner, she put her phone to her ear. “Still there?”
    â€œHow weird was that?” Benjamin said. “I didn’t expect a ‘money is the root of all evil’ lecture.”
    â€œNeither did I. But you see our new problem?”
    â€œHe’s leaving the country tomorrow.”
    â€œThat’s right,” Ash said. “Someone else will take over, and the first thing they’ll do is demand an inventory of the building.”
    â€œSo either he’ll take the loot with him, or they’ll find it.”
    â€œExactly. So now we have a time limit. Wherever he’s hidden the money, we have to find it and get it out today. Before the building closes. This is our last chance.”
    â€œI don’t

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