Morgan the Rogue

Read Morgan the Rogue for Free Online

Book: Read Morgan the Rogue for Free Online
Authors: Lynn Granville
greeting, for they knew her of old and liked the pretty girl who usually had a smile for them.  Morwenna inclined her head but did not tarry, escaping from the waking household through the orchard into the meadow.  If she was to be confined to her chamber again today, she would take her customary walk first.
                  It was as she approached the edge of the forest, that she heard the thunder of hooves behind her and looking back saw a man on horseback riding at speed towards her.  His black hair flew like a banner in the breeze, and she knew him at once, standing as if turned to stone as he approached.  She thought he would sweep by her, but then he seemed to become aware of her and jerked on his reins, causing his horse to rear up a short distance away from her.  She watched him fight with the spirited beast, admiring his strength and power as he controlled it in the end and then trotted up to her.  Her heart raced as he grinned down at her.
                  'Are you away to the river, lady?' he asked, mischief in his eyes.
                  Morwenna's cheeks flushed with fire.  'I did not realise you were…' she floundered as she saw the mockery in his face.  'You are unkind, sir.  I was shocked by…I had never seen…'
                  'A naked man?'  He grinned at her, his eyes so blue and filled with a fire that made her tremble.  'And did you like what you saw, Morwenna?'
                  'You are too forward, sir.'
                  'Or not forward enough.'  She heard the soft chuckle of laughter and felt hot.  His words seemed to suggest so much more than they said.  'It would be sweet to dally with you, lady, but I must away.  I have work to do.'
                  'Are you leaving so soon?'
                  'Do you wish I might stay?  I am sorry to disappoint you for I have never disappointed an eager wench before.'  His mockery stung her and she tossed her head.  'Do not despair, sweet Morwenna.  I may yet return – or I may not.  I am free – free as the air that surrounds you.  I have a living to make and all the world is open to me.  I bid you adieu, fair one. Be careful what you do at the river…'
                  'You were not drunk last night,' she said as he prepared to ride away.  'If you plan harm to Owain he is well protected.  I would kill you myself rather than let you harm him.'  She touched the dagger at her waist, her look fierce and angry.  'If you betray him you will be my enemy.'
    'I should not like for there to be enmity between us,' Morgan said, the smile dying from his eyes.  'I cannot tell you more, Morwenna – but no matter what you hear, I ask you to think kindly of me.'
                  As he rode on past her, Morwenna turned her head to stare after him, feeling an odd ache in her breast.  Would she ever see him again?  He had spoken of the whole world being open to him and that boded ill in her mind.  The only way a man in his position might see the world was to sell his sword to the English – the enemy of her people.
                  She walked back towards the house, head bent, her plans to escape to the river somehow tarnished by this chance meeting.  What kind of a man was Morgan Gruffudd?
                  Entering the courtyard, she saw the young man who had accompanied Morgan here.  He was dressed now in the way of Owain's men-at-arms, a leather hauberk over his short tunic and hose, his head covered by a helmet of leather and chain metal.  He was already hard at work practising swordplay with the others, and had no time to do more than smile at her as she passed.
                  Rhys Llewelyn was a handsome man, Morwenna thought.  His smile did not terrify her the way Morgan Gruffudd's did, and she smiled back at him.
                  Going into the hall, she saw that the servants had

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