My Fake Fiancé
    “No harm,” said Justin, pulling me closer.
“No one could tear me away from my Sammie.”
    “We’ll just be going now,” Jane said, pulling
the blond goddess away. “Can’t you see they’re totally in love?”
she asked the blonde as they walked away.
    Justin kissed me again, like he was proving
that point. When he pulled away, Carrie was watching us. I smiled
at her. “I think we’ll be going now. Congratulations!”
    “What about the cake?” Carrie asked, sounding
    “We’ll get our own dessert.” Justin said,
grabbing my hand. Then we scurried off the dance floor. I followed
him into the parking lot and we collapsed in his VW, laughing. I
high-fived him and next thing I knew, we were kissing again. But
this time, it was a kiss that would make a person cringe in public.
Only we were in a car, the moon was full, and I wanted him bad.
    When I finally pulled away breathless, I
said, “I suppose we should get used to acting like we’re engaged
since we have to keep this up for a few more weeks.”
    “Yeah, that’s exactly what I was
    That brought me back down to earth. “So, what
did you tell your mom about me?”
    “That you were beautiful, and funny, and
    Yes, yes, go on ….
    “Oh, and you’re an art teacher.”
    My heart slipped a little. Was he too
embarrassed to be fake-engaged to a receptionist? “First a
sculptor, now this.”
    “I guess I like the creative types.”
    Which was bad news, seeing as how I’d never
even used a glue gun. I didn’t even hang up cardboard bunnies at
the office for Easter, or anything cute like fun receptionists do.
“Wait. I don’t have to fake an accent, do I?”
    He laughed. “No. You just have to be crazy in
love with me, and ready to take good care of me the rest of my life
since my mom probably won’t be around much longer to fuss over
    “I can handle that.” I tried not to let him
know how choked up I was. I didn’t have a mom to do that for me
    “Let’s go out and celebrate.”
    And that’s how we ended up dancing and
drinking, and finally tumbling back to his place where Justin
proved to be even more amazing than I could’ve ever imagined.
    I woke up with my arms wrapped around warm,
soft curves and realized I hadn’t dreamt that I’d spent the night
with Sam. She was in my bed and her sleepy smile had me ready for
another round. Then I remembered I hadn’t put that grin there; a
successful Australian businessman had. I resisted the urge to brush
a silky blond curl off her cheek. I rolled over and sighed. I
couldn’t fall for this girl; I was nothing like her dream guy. I
was a guy who wanted to buy a food truck. The guy obligated to take
care of his mother. Nothing sexy about that.
    Her lashes fluttered as she woke. She seemed
confused as her eyes scanned the room and then widened when she
looked over at me. “We’re going all the way with this ruse, aren’t
    “Guess we can consider it method acting.” I
was happy at least that she didn’t run screaming out of bed.
    She just smiled. “I don’t think you were
acting last night.” She raised an eyebrow. “I know I wasn’t
    I pulled her to me and planted another kiss
on her lips. “I really appreciate you agreeing to let my mom think
we’re together. And just a reminder—we’re supposed to stop over
there today. And pretend we’re engaged. And in love.”
    She gave me the cutest grin. “Maybe I could
just be so smitten I hardly say anything at all?”
    “You’ll be fine.”
    She smoothed her hands over the sheets.
“These are nice.”
    “Eight-hundred thread count. I like to be
comfortable when I sleep. It’s the little things, you know?”
    I swear she growled before pulling me back
down on top of her for another round.
    My mother was crying. Sam patted her back,
and to her credit, didn’t try to withdraw from the hug. Mom finally
stepped back and wiped her eyes. “I’m

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