My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 5 Escape
    A nasty smile spread across his
face. “So, you want your face carved up then?”
    I stiffened.
    “ I didn’t
think so, but it will solve all your problems. No one will want you
anymore. No more rape, no more pain once you’ve healed, I’d be
doing you a favor.”
    “ The Padre will kill me if you
make me ugly, then he will kill you for doing it.”
    His grip tightened on my hair,
making me wince. “My father wouldn’t allow that.” He lifted his gun
again, pointing it at Rita. “Back off, bitch!”
    She took another step
closer, asking in Italian how much she was worth to his
    He stared at her blankly.
“Speak English, my Italian is shit.”
    “ Yet I
speak like a native,” she said, “as though I was born here. And
do you know why?”
    “ You learned
it from your foster parents. They must’ve been from
    “ No, I lied
to you, I didn’t have Italian foster parents, I had Italian parents , and I was born here; I’m Sophia Salvi’s sister.” She
raised her eyebrows. “You didn’t think you were the only one with
secrets, now did you?”
    “ You’re
lying,” Matteo said, “and it’s pointless because it’ll make no
    “ That’s not
true, because my family are coming back to stake a claim on this
island, taking a piece from the Donatelli pie. And by the way, I’m
not FBI, I’m an informant like you are, just for my
    “You’re lying!”
    “ Like you
lied to me about being a good ol’ Americano boy? Although it wasn’t too hard to
believe with your Jersey accent, guido , but I speak real Italian, because I am
one—unlike you, half-breed.”
    Matteo let go of my hair, my
heart pounding over Rita’s words. Was she lying or was she speaking
the truth? I couldn’t tell, but it made sense, because of her looks
and the way she’d treated Frano.
    She smiled, the expression
mean, then she looked down at her nails. “I’ve been aching for your
idiot family to take me.” She tapped her leg. “And by the way, my
family know exactly where I am.”
    “ You’re
lying!” Matteo yelled.
    “ Then give me
a knife so I can cut out the tracking device and show
    “ No, the FBI
would’ve put it in there; you’re just trying to trick
    “ Which
wouldn’t be hard to do considering you’re a simpleton.”
    “Watch your
    She grinned. “That’s a bit
hard to do without a mirror.”
    Matteo stared at her in
disbelief. “Are you fucking mad? I’ve got a fucking
    “ Then
shoot me, but if you do, my family will make you pay in blood.”
    “Just shut up, just
fucking shut up!”
    “ Why are you
panicking, Matteo? Really, this is not like you.”
    “ I’m not
panicking; you’re driving me fucking nuts with your annoying
fucking voice. I lost count how many times I wanted to strangle you
just to shut you up. And it doesn’t matter what your family is up
to, because mine is more powerful. The Donatelli own this island,
we control all the families, so yours can’t do
    “ So, you
finally believe I’m Salvi?”
    “ No.”
    “ That’s not
what you said before.”
    He sneered. “Your pretend
family then, because my uncle told me that there was only one Salvi
    “ He
wouldn’t have known about me. I’m a shameful mistake my mother made
with another man, so I was sent away. You must know about mistakes,
after all you are one.”
    Matteo glared at Rita, the man’s neck
muscles ready to snap.
    “ Are you
still here?” she said. “I thought you had left because you’re never
quiet. By the way, I didn’t actually know you were Donatelli,
though I did realize you were playing me, because come
on , if you
were pretending not to be gay you really shouldn’t have gotten me
to frig your ass, that gave it away pretty quick, bum boy, and
also, you really should delete your history on the computer. The
amount of times I found gay porn sites on there was ridiculous,
although I must say, it was

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