Naomi Grim (The Silver Scythe Chronicles) Part 1

Read Naomi Grim (The Silver Scythe Chronicles) Part 1 for Free Online

Book: Read Naomi Grim (The Silver Scythe Chronicles) Part 1 for Free Online
Authors: Tiffany Nicole Smith
Tags: Paranormal, dark fantasy, Young Adult, teens, Grim Reaper
time we'd have once
we began this assignment?
    "Imagine what your children will look like,"
Dorian teased as the three of us trudged up the stairs to our
    Bram shoved him against the
    "Careful!" I shouted.
    "Just wait 'til it's your turn and they hook
you up with some loser. I'm going to laugh my ass off," Bram warned
    Rosaleen and her parents arrived promptly at
seven, and she looked every bit as velociraptor-like as Bram had
described. If my parents thought this girl would get Bram's mind
off a beauty like Keira, they were sadly mistaken.
    Raiden, Rosaleen's dad, scooped some salad onto
his plate. "So it's quite an honor Dunningham bestowed on your
family today."
    Father nodded. "It is. We're very
    I was sure our upcoming assignment made Bram
even more desirable to Rosaleen's parents. If they married before
we moved to the Upper Estates, Rosaleen would move and enjoy the
sweet life with us.
    Dorian tried to pretend he wasn't reading the
book that sat on his lap. Bram refused to look up from his plate.
He and Rosaleen sat side by side and ignored each other.
    I felt sorry for the girl, so I tried to make
conversation. "I like your bracelet." I did like it. Her bracelet
was silver and dainty with a diamond-encrusted skull and crossbones
charm on it.
    "Thanks. I got it for my birthday."
    "Oh, what was that like?" Eighteenth birthdays
were a big deal in Nowhere—even more special than the thirteenth
birthday. It was all about rituals. On the thirteenth, you earned
the ability to collect lives. On the eighteenth, you could get
married, live on your own, and have all the privileges bestowed on
the other adult Grims.
    "It was the best day of my life. I had a
masquerade ball and wore a beautiful gray ball gown. Bram, I
invited you, but you didn't come."
    "I was on assignment," my brother muttered,
still staring at his plate. I knew he didn't like her, but he could
at least look at the girl.
    I tried to think of something else to say, but
I had never been good at small talk. Anyway, she was there for
Bram, not me.
    After the adults discussed the perks of the
Upper Estates and praised Mr. Dunningham to the high heavens, the
men retired to Father’s study. Bram tried to follow, but Father
quickly reminded him that he had a guest. Rosaleen's mother, Mira,
helped Mother clear the dishes. I kicked Dorian underneath the
table and pointed at the ceiling, indicating that we should leave
our brother alone with his date. Bram glared at us as we
    Up in my room, I lay on my bed, engrossed in
the dark world of Edgar Allan Poe. I had just stuffed my mouth with
gummy bears when a commotion coming from downstairs tore me away
from a twisted story.
    I left my room and stood at the top of the
staircase, where Dorian was already planted. Rosaleen and her
mother were headed toward the door.
    "I don't know who you think you are, boy, but
someone needs to put you in your place! You have a lot to learn
about being a man," Raiden yelled at Bram. Then he turned to
Father. "Get that boy under control!" He went on and on about how
he should have listened to everyone else.
    Father lifted his hands, about to say
something, then thought better of it. Bram must have really done
something awful that couldn't be defended. I noticed him sitting on
the living room sofa, looking very pleased with himself. Our guests
left, slamming the door behind them.
    "What the hell is wrong with you?" Father
demanded. He very seldom got upset with Bram, even though he should
have more often. I could hear our mother slamming cupboards shut in
the kitchen. That's what she did when she was upset in lieu of
    Dorian went halfway down the stairs. "What did
he do?"
    "He put the girl in a headlock and said he'd
only release her if she could name every one of her Jurassic
ancestors. Raiden had to pry him off."
    Dorian's cheeks puffed as he tried to stifle a
giggle. I held in a laugh myself.
    Downstairs, Bram looked even more satisfied.

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