Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Read Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance for Free Online
Authors: Sophie Brooks
head, knowing that this action lifted my breasts. But hey, that’s how you get a shirt off, right?  
    I freed one arm and then the other and tossed the shirt on the bed. I loved the feeling of soft tendrils of hair resettling on my shoulders, tickling my neck and the tops of my breasts.  
    Luke’s gaze had gone all hazy. He seemed mesmerized. At long last, he said, “Damn, you look good,” but in a completely different tone than before. I deliberated for a minute and then decided that he deserved the back view, too. After all, he really was having a bad day.  
    I turned slowly and walked over to the full-length mirror across from the kitchenette. I could feel his gaze over my skin and knew it was resting on the triangle of soft fabric covering—barely covering—my ass.  
    I looked in the mirror, and tried to see myself as Luke might. Like most women, I was usually pretty critical of my body, but there’s something about wearing your sexiest underwear—plus having the admiring eyes of a hot man on you—to make you think twice. I actually thought I looked pretty good—and even better when Luke moved behind me, studying our reflection in the mirror.  
    He draped his arm over my shoulder, his warm skin heating up my side. With me in my bra and panties and him bare-chested, we looked like the cover of a steamy romance novel. I giggled at the thought, but then he pressed closer, and the hard bulge pushing against my hip made the laughter die in my throat.  
    Facing me, he murmured, “You look gorgeous … but too neat. Too healthy. Maybe I need to mess you up a bit.” His head lowered and his lips nuzzled against mine.  
    I breathed out gently against his lips. “Maybe it would help if my face were all flushed,” I suggested.  
    “On it,” Luke whispered, and then his lips were pressing against mine, teasing them open, revisiting all the delicious sensations from last night. I closed my eyes and reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling my breasts lift and push against him. His arms encircled my waist, pulling me in, and I could feel his erection pressing hard against my stomach, so close to where I wanted it to be.  
    Damn, he knew how to kiss. All those nights after work, we’d spent our time talking and eating, when we could have been doing this with our mouths instead. His tongue was gentle but probing, teasing its way around my mouth. His hand sank into my hair, pressing against the back of my neck, keeping me close. Our bodies fit so good together, like adjoining puzzle pieces snapping into place.  
    At last, I pulled away a few inches. This was fun—this was wonderful —but we did have a big problem. His getting fired would probably not be the best way to end our first intimate encounter.  
    Luke released a handful of my hair and trailed his hand along my neck and lightly down my chest. He stared at his fingers as they brushed my warm skin above the plunging bra. “I may have overdone it. I made your whole body flush,” he observed.  
    His shivery touch was intoxicating. “Hmm,” I said, my skin sizzling under his fingertips. “Maybe if we look online, we’ll find that there’s some kind of illness that causes reddened skin and hardened nipples.”  
    Luke laughed and before I knew it, both of his hands were resting on my breasts, his palms so warm that I could’ve sworn there was no fabric between us. I pressed against his hands, and then his thumbs found my nipples, as if to confirm that yes, they were both hard. And believe me, they were.  
    “Nice,” he whispered, and then leaned down for one more quick kiss. Then he tweaked my nipples, causing me to yelp. He stepped back and handed me my robe, smacking me lightly on the ass. “Come on, get moving. Time for some reconnaissance.”

Chapter Five

    I POKED MY head out the door. No one was in the hallway. Taking a half step out, I saw Barbara at the front desk. As long as she stayed there, there was no way that Luke

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