OMG... Am I a Witch?!

Read OMG... Am I a Witch?! for Free Online

Book: Read OMG... Am I a Witch?! for Free Online
Authors: Talia Aikens-Nuñez
Tags: Magic, witch, kids, girl, friends, dog, fun, spell
    Each time April blinked felt like an eternity. They stared at the phone. Silence.
    Grace swallowed. “Ya know, Eve’s grandma may be right.”
    â€œ ’Bout what? Having a gift?”
    â€œYep. I mean . . . remember the door? You may be able to do other stuff. Like last week when my dress was tucked into my tights by accident after I left the bathroom. ’Member that?”
    April smirked. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. She was SO traumatized.
    Grace continued, “Do you know how many kids screamed ‘fail’ and ‘loser’? I seriously wished I were invisible. But, as much as I wished for it— nada ! But YOU wanted the door to close, and you did it. You wanted Austin to stop picking on you and . . . POOF!” Grace threw her arms in the air. “Now he is smaller than my grandmother’s mop. And, you turned on your fan in your bedroom just by thinking about it.” She ended her speech by putting her hands on her hips and nodding her head.
    â€œOk . . .” April wiped her sweaty hand on her pants. “But, I don’t want to get into a mess like this again.”
    â€œI know. But, think about what WE could do,” Grace said, smiling.
    â€œYeah! You, me, and Eve can fix stuff.” Her smile stretched from ear to ear.
    â€œWhat kind of stuff?” April asked.
    â€œI don’t know . . . uh . . . we could make sure all the puppies at the pound get a home. Uh . . . we . . . could . . . Oh! You could get Ms. Meanie back for giving you that detention. You could make her come to school looking like a clown. Imagine it! Her makeup painted all over her face.”
    They both laughed.
    â€œBut, what if something goes wrong again?” April asked.
    â€œWe’ll have Eve’s book,” said Grace. “What else could possibly go wrong?”


    Ding. Ding.
    April looked down at the bed. She saw she had a text message and quickly picked up her phone.
    She read aloud, “ Sure honey. See you tomorrow. YES!” April threw back her head.
    â€œCool. Now text her and ask if Eve can come over tomorrow morning.”
    â€œYes, yes,” April said, feverishly texting and focused.
    Thx Mom! Can a new friend Eve come over 4 a playdate in the morning? < 3
    Buzz. Buzz.
    â€œOh your mother texted back,” Grace said, opening the message on Mrs. Galapagos’s phone and showing it to April.
    Sure Rita. If you want, I will take the next sleepover. J
    â€œYES!” Grace and April screamed. They jumped up and down.
    BAM! The front door slammed.
    â€œGirls! Come on downstairs. Pizza’s here,” Grace’s mother yelled up the stairs.
    Boom, Boom, BOOM, BOOM. Someone was running up the stairs. April and Grace looked at each other.
    â€œOh no, Michael’s home,” Grace said.
    Michael swung the door open. WHACK! It slammed against the wall.
    â€œAwesome. Two of you to bother tonight.” His evil grin grew.
    â€œMOM! Michael is bothering us!” Grace screamed.
    April stared at the closet door. Oh no. Austin, please don’t make a sound.
    â€œArrr. Arrr.”
    Michael looked around the room. “What’s that?”
    Grace walked over to the closet door and stood in front of it. “MOOOOOOMM! Michael is in MY room bothering us!” she screamed again.
    â€œMichael, leave your sister alone!” Grace’s mom yelled. “Everyone come downstairs NOW and wash your hands.”
    â€œWhat’s that?” Michael said, looking at the bed.
    Oh no! I have to do something. Michael can’t get the phone then he will know. He’ll get us in more trouble than we are already in.
    April grabbed the phone. “It’s my phone.” She busily pressed buttons on the phone, opening the text messages.
    Delete message: Yes.
    Michael snatched it from her hands.
    â€œNo it’s not—this is

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