One Night in London

Read One Night in London for Free Online

Book: Read One Night in London for Free Online
Authors: Sandi Lynn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult & College
working at.”
    “I like it. I like that it’s a brownstone, the apartment is on the second floor, and that it was built in the 1900s. The architecture is so beautiful. Oh, and I like that it’s in my price range.”
    “Excellent. Would you like to fill out the renter’s application?” He smiled.
    “Yes. When would the apartment be ready to move into?”
    “Next week. The owners are anxious because they’re leaving for Italy for six months, so they want this taken care of before they leave.”
    “A week is perfect.” I smiled.
    The apartment was definitely a lot smaller than my place back in L.A., but this was New York and the spaces were small. When I stepped inside, I instantly felt at home. It was the kind of place where I could envision myself relaxing after a long day at the gallery.
    Jason handed me the rental application and I filled it out on the spot and handed it to him.
    “Perfect.” He grinned. “I’ll get this processed right away and let you know tomorrow. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kane.”
    “Thank you, Jason. The pleasure was all mine.”
    As I stepped out onto West 82 nd Street, I looked down at the tree-lined street. Pulling my phone from my purse, I facetimed Sienna. Her stressed face appeared on the screen.
    “What’s wrong?” I laughed.
    “This client is driving me bat shit crazy. He’ll be lucky if I don’t go to his house and murder him in his sleep. Where are you?”
    “This is West 82 nd Street, where I found an apartment. Look at the brownstone.” I held the phone up.
    “Hey, I know that place. A girl that I work with used to live there. So when are you moving in?”
    “The realtor is processing the application today and he’ll let me know tomorrow. If everything is approved, I can move in next week.”
    “Woohoo. I’ll help you and we can have a decorating party.” She smiled.
    “Sounds good. Listen, I’m going to head to the gallery now. I’ll talk to you later.”
    “Bye, lover.” She kissed the screen.
    Laughing, I blew her a kiss and ended the call. When I reached the gallery, I stepped inside and smiled when I saw Ellery. The place was crawling with construction workers. Noise infiltrated the place as hammers banged against the walls and saws were going off every second.
    “You’re here!” she exclaimed as she walked over and hugged me. “Welcome home, Chloe.”
    “Thanks, Ellery. It’s good to see you and it’s great to be back in New York.” I took hold of both her hands. “I can’t thank you and Connor enough for giving me this opportunity.”
    “Don’t mention it. You are an excellent worker with an incredible eye for art. You remind me of me when I was your age.” She winked. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
    After walking around half of the 5,000-square-foot space, Ellery took me up the wrought-iron stairs that led to the second level.
    “Up here is where your office is, the bathroom, and a kitchen area. What do you think?”
    “I love it. It’s perfect up here.”
    “Come and see your office.” She took my hand and led me to a space that consisted of glass walls and a large glass door.
    “Wow. This is beautiful,” I spoke as I sat down behind the large L-shaped glass desk with the Apple computer sitting proudly on top.
    “You should have everything you need. The file cabinets are being delivered tomorrow, so you can place those wherever you see fit. Also, I’ve ordered some couches, tables, and chairs to go in the space out there. You’re going to love them. I went way over Connor’s budget, but he doesn’t need to know that.” She smiled.
    “I promise I won’t tell him.”
    S ettling into my new apartment was a piece of cake compared to the hustle and bustle of trying to get the art gallery ready for its grand opening reception tomorrow night. Everything was in place and ready to be seen. My main focus the last month was getting the gallery ready, leaving very little time for anything else, including a

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