
Read Planetfall for Free Online

Book: Read Planetfall for Free Online
Authors: Emma Newman
appears to float over Nick’s jacket. There’s a new entry. But before I have a chance to check it, an urgent message arrives, the icon for that larger and flashing in the way I find so annoying. Nick looks away and I suspect he’s got one too.
    I open it. Obviously from Mack. I didn’t anticipate the content though, nor the fact that he’s sent it to every member of the colony.
    Fellow citizens, I apologize for the hour and the urgent tag but there’s a need for a colony-wide discussion of an event that occurred this morning. It seems there were survivorsof the tragic accident that happened during Planetfall. The child of one of those survivors has made it to us and has asked to live with us at the foot of God’s city.
    The envelope icon has started to flash in the corner of my vision. It does that only when there are more than ten unopened messages.
    That child is Lee Suh-Mi’s grandson. His name is Lee Sung-Soo.
    â€œGod in his mercy!” Nick exclaims moments later. He must be at the same part as me.
    If you have any concerns about Sung-Soo, or objections to his joining us, I want you to follow the protocol for any colony-wide issue, namely contacting your group leader, who will bring them to the council meeting I’ve scheduled in ten minutes. Apologies for not giving more notice, but this is just as unexpected for me as it is for you and I think it’s imperative we deal with any concerns as soon as possible, for Sung-Soo’s sake. The meeting will be open on the public stream and the public tag for this topic is “Newcomer.” Sung-Soo is not connected to our network.
    A flash appears bottom right, indicating a new trending tag. I don’t have to look it up to know what it is. Interesting choice of word. Would I have picked the same one? It’s less loaded than “survivor” or “stranger” but has a subliminal effect of assuming he’s going to stay. After all, Mack didn’t pick “visitor.” Nor “guilty reminder,” but that would just be stupid.
    I’m sure lots of people will be keen to meet him. He’s had a very difficult journey and I ask that people respect his need for the time and space to recover. We need time as a community to take in the news and resolve any issues we may have before he’s introduced to everyone. Thank you for your understanding. I’m in the Dome now but ask you to discuss this in your groups and direct any questions to your councilor rather than my private stream. Thanks, Mack.
    When I pull my attention from the message, I notice Nick staring at me. “So that’s who it is,” he says and looks at Mack’s place.
    â€œAren’t you group leader this month?”
    He nods and realizes he can’t just go and bang on the door. He has to go home and be available to anyone who wants to speak to him in person as well as online. He leaves and I set the health kit down at my feet before calling up the v-keyboard.
    Thanks for the heads-up, Mack.
    I don’t expect him to reply; he’s probably being inundated despite his request. But he does.
    We couldn’t keep it a secret. I saw Nick poking his nose in and had to make a call on it. We knew we would have to tell everyone eventually. Come to the Dome. I want you here, you were with me when we found him.
    He knows I hate meetings. No.
    Ren, don’t be a pain in the arse.
    People are going to realize he’s in your house. I’m going to stay with him in case he wakes up. I don’t want to get involved in the politics. That’s your bag.
    I could do with some support.
    You’ll be fine. Give me access to your house. I want to keep an eye on him. Look, Carmen is already coming over. You want her banging on the door to wake him up when we’re not there?
    There’s a pause. I can see her talking to Nick, having intercepted him on the way home. It’s going to be everywhere in less

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