Playing Passion's Game

Read Playing Passion's Game for Free Online

Book: Read Playing Passion's Game for Free Online
Authors: Lesley Davis
looked at Kayleigh’s expectant face. “You’re well in the lead already. I’d say your victory was pretty complete.”
    “We’ve played well, but this final match is the signature of the whole competition. If we lose this, we lose status points. But either way, win or lose, we have a pizza party after.” Trent eyed Juliet. “So you’ll come with me?” Juliet’s eyes widened and she hastily added, “And the rest of the team?”
    “Please, Jules, I want to see Elton and meet the rest of the Reapers. There’s another girl on the team I want to meet,” Kayleigh said.
    Juliet looked over her shoulder at Monica, who nodded her assent. “Count us in and thank you for the invitation.”
    Trent helped Kayleigh down the step and then looked back at Juliet. “Are you going to join us now?”
    Juliet once again turned to Monica, who shooed her away. “Go be with your sister. I want to see what this flag thing is these guys are chasing after. I know the Reapers are in the lead, but I’m sure the extra points the members of your team bring in will all help to elevate you to the dizzy heights of unequalled victory.”
    The large screen displayed a “Capture the Flag” game going on with two of Trent’s teammates against another team. “You’re watching two of our youngest members, but both Rick and Zoe are excellent players.”
    Kayleigh tugged at Trent’s sleeve until she bent to hear what Kayleigh wanted to whisper to her. “This is yet another shooting match I shouldn’t be seeing, isn’t it?”
    Trent nodded and whispered back. “Don’t worry. When you’re old enough you can learn how to play these games too.”
    “But you’re going to play with me now?”
    “Well, I’m told you’re a dedicated gamer. I only play with that kind of person.”
    “I’m very dedicated,” Kayleigh said. She shyly shifted her hand into Trent’s and squeezed. “Let’s go play.”
    Trent tried not to jump at the feel of someone’s hand in hers. She was even more surprised when Juliet put her own hand on Trent’s arm.
    “So come on, then. Show me this world you both are so keen to inhabit.”
    “Have you never played a game, Juliet?” Trent asked, letting Kayleigh lead them back into the children’s area.
    “Not properly,” Juliet said. “I don’t ever seem to have time these days.”
    Trent shook Kayleigh’s hand in her own. “I think you need to show your sister how we do things, squirt.”
    Kayleigh pulled away from Trent’s grasp to go gather up controllers for a game that was free from players. “I think she’d rather you show her, Trent.”
    Trent was intrigued by the rosy hue that suddenly heated Juliet’s cheeks.
    “Out of the mouths of babes,” Juliet said. She reached for the controller that Kayleigh held out to her. “Come on then, either one of you, show me how to play.” She flipped the controller over in her hand, testing its weight. “And don’t come crying to me if I manage to beat you.”
    Trent liked the determined set of Juliet’s face. “Oh, I do so love a challenge.”

Chapter Four

    The crowd was cheering as the teams took their places at their screens for the final match of the day. The Baydale Reapers were already way ahead on points, but the final game was more a grudge match than anything else. Two teams of four players, one team an elite squad of soldiers going up against members of an alien race, all hell-bent on killing the other. Elton took his seat beside Trent and glowered at Eddie, who sat as far away from him as he could. Trent put on her headset and they all checked that the microphones were working and they could hear each other’s commands as they took up their controllers and prepared for war.
    “Nobody gets a bullet, or I will personally make sure you are stocking the ‘pre-owned’ shelf for weeks to come.” Elton’s dire threat hung in the air.
    “Good luck, team.” Trent rallied her people as the game began. She instantly made her character dive

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