Pride of the Courtneys

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Book: Read Pride of the Courtneys for Free Online
Authors: Margaret Dickinson
This was another of her ways of currying favour with Bassett, befriending Georgiana.
    But Miss Georgiana, strong-willed and fearless, would have none of Millicent’s insincere attempts at friendliness.
    Georgiana and I soon became the firmest of friends and I was to find her a great comfort and strength in the months ahead.
    There was one and only one point on which we disagreed. She worshipped and idolised Bassett whereas I disliked him. But even this did not seriously impede our friendship. On my side I was only too happy to have such a strong ally and on her side she was confident that it was because I did not know Bassett that I hated him and that as soon as I did, I could not help loving him as she did.
    Dr Corby and Evelyn were constant visitors to Courtney Hall. Evelyn, though pleasant enough towards the Courtney family, kept herself aloof, and always had about her an air of sadness.
    Georgiana’s romantic mind confided to me that she believed Miss Corby must have been disappointed in love.
    â€˜Really, Georgiana,’ I admonished with mock severity, ‘ you think of nothing, but love and marriage.’ Georgiana’s black curls danced merrily.
    â€˜And what, dear Louella, do you consider is more interesting than discussing what is, after all, all we girls have to hope for?’
    â€˜Nonsense,’ I retorted, ‘ the times are changing. Many girls earn their own living as governesses—or something,’ I ended lamely.
    â€˜Yes, I agree,’ she replied, ‘but I have such a feather brain, I cannot remember the simplest lines of poetry, never mind Greek and Latin and arithmetic’
    She paused and I did not fail to notice the faint tinge of colour in her cheeks nor the dreamy expression in her eyes as she said,
    â€˜Dr Corby must be very, very clever.’
    â€˜Indeed, medicine is a hard profession, and one, I believe, in which the learning is never ended, for they are always making new discoveries.’
    This conversation was taking place in a small summer-house overlooking the lake some two hundred yards from the house, one warm day early in June.
    A boat appeared round a curve of the bank some twenty yards out upon the smooth water. Lazily, our conversation ceased and we watched the lithe figure of the oarsman as his firm, clean strokes cut the water and his craft skimmed along leaving ripple upon ripple ever-widening until they lapped softly against the bank.
    Hearing Georgiana draw a swift breath, I glanced at her. There was no mistaking the pleasure in her expression and voice as she whispered.
    â€˜It’s him, Louella, it’s Dr Corby.’
    And with that she jumped up, straightened her skirt and walked down the short sloping path to the edge of the lake.
    She waited a moment until Dr Corby had seen her, and then she waved. Dr Corby skilfully turned his boat towards the bank and in minutes they had joined me in the summer-house.
    I had observed their meeting from a distance, and though his greeting was formal, I did not fail to notice that his eyes rarely left her face, and that she was more radiantly beautiful in his presence.
    â€˜Good day, Miss Lloyd,’ he said in greeting.
    â€˜Good day, Dr Corby,’ I replied, and we smiled at each other.
    I knew he was a friend, for often when he visited Courtney Hall, he would search me out and hold long conversations with me, which I was sure he did out of pity for my lonely existence.
    We all sat down in the summer-house, with Dr Corby between us.
    â€˜It is time you called us by our Christian names, Dr Corby,’ Georgiana said.
    â€˜Thank you. Nothing would give me greater pleasure, and please call me Charles. But will your mother or Sir Hugh be displeased?’
    â€˜Fie, and I don’t care if they are,’ she retorted, pouting prettily.
    Georgiana made her own decisions, Charles should know by now, I thought. Although she is only young, once she has made up her mind to something,

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