[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever

Read [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever for Free Online

Book: Read [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever for Free Online
Authors: Celeste Anwar
asked the scarred man, “Who the hell are you?  Why did y’all grab
                He ignored her,
but the guy on the dirt, now leaning comfortably against a tree trunk, answered
her, “I am Rafael, that ugly son-of-a-bitch is Remy, and the happy one holding
you is Armando.”  The blond, Remy, walked over and kicked him in the gut.  They
mock fought for a couple of seconds and stopped at a hiss from Armando.
                She’d had their
names and faces right then.  She felt proud of herself for discerning their
identities before they’d been revealed.
                “Why are you out
here? The only thing I can think of is that you´re the animal rights activists
that let the big cats go, but I don´t think you´re dressed suitably for the
job, so why the hell are you out here?  And why do you need me to get you off
this island?  Are you the men responsible for releasing the animals?” she
                The men exchanged
a look.
                Armando laughed
nastily at her, Rafael snorted, and Remy snickered.
                “So many
questions,” Remy sauntered over and chucked her gently on the chin.
                Watching his eyes
dilate with his proximity to her too, she flinched and felt like an idiot at
their laughter, but it was the only possible explanation she´d been able to
come up with.  Hell, if she´d have known what freaky shit was going on down
here in the Americas, and all in Uncle Sam´s name, she would have been
protesting too.  The government was screwing with nature.
                She looked around
at the three gorgeous men and knew that she had to somehow escape from them,
which was a damned shame.  Why couldn´t she have met them back home?  Surely
she deserved a good fuck after what that shit of a husband had done to her?  But
no, she had to get away from the three hunks before those freak cats caught her
scent, tracked her down and ate her for dinner.
                She flinched
again when Rafael invaded her personal space to sniff her, his chest so close
to hers she could barely take a breath without her breasts touching him.  He
shuddered slightly and quickly spun around and away from her.  She noticed
suddenly that they all spoke to her, but angled their bodies away from her--she
didn´t smell that bad for Christ´s sake!
                How embarrassing. 
Yvonne had been busy imagining some kind of fantasy foursome, and they´d been
cringing at her BO.  No, wait, Armando´s erection hadn´t been faked, so what
the hell was going on?  She was pretty but she didn´t inspire instantaneous
lust in any man.  Unless it’d been ages since they’d been with a woman, she
really didn’t understand their reaction to her.  She didn´t think that any
woman could, especially, when that woman was covered in mud and wore torn and
dirty army gear.  She hated to think of what her hair must look like after
being dragged repeatedly through the jungle.
                She studied them
surreptitiously in the silence that followed her questions, then stiffened her
body when Armando jostled her and pushed her over to the tree that Rafael had
been leaning against.  She sat on the forest floor, looking up at them, knowing
that she wasn´t in the best position for escape, but she knew that unless she
could injure them somehow, she wouldn´t be making a getaway anytime soon.  Of
course, the other option would be to seduce her way out of this, but she wasn’t
convinced she could take on three testosterone raging men in the condition she
was in.  Could be fun, though….
                “We´re the ones
who are asking the questions, chica , remember that. What the fuck are you doing here?  Are you a scientist?” Armando asked her suspiciously.
                “What?  No!  I
was hired to track down a pack of cats that had been released from the

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