Reagan Hawk
the way he steals glances at Raider, are they lovers?”
    Galwin exhaled slowly. “ You are most talkative.”
    She held her smile, awaiting answers.
    Galwin gave in. “I believe they have shared a bed in the past. Though neither wishes to only be with a man, they do enjoy time together.”
    Lucia thought more on his words. “ And Ewan is not pleased I am here because he believes my presence means he will not warm Raider’s bed again?”
    “ My brother’s mood changes with the wind. I would imagine some of his anger at you is because of what you have said.”
    “ And the rest?” she asked.
    Galwin nudged the plate of food before her. “ Eat.”
    She touched his wrist. “ Please tell me. Already I am scared and very in the dark. All that I have known has changed in an afternoon.”
    “ Know that I share this with you only because Ewan’s story is nearly a mirror to my own. Our mother was a concubine. Though, because she was not head concubine and because our planet has different beliefs than Emprom, the master was able to use her to find release as often as he wanted, regardless of the state of his head concubine.”
    Lucia stilled, her hand remaining on Galwin ’s arm.
    Galwin bent his head. “ She had only seen fifteen summers when she was purchased and sixteen when she birthed us. From what we were told, the master raped her for nearly two months straight, keeping her chained to a bed, permitting his guards access to her. When it was clear she was with child, the decision was made to permit her to birth it—if the child was female, she would be raised and groomed to service the guards. A male would be a slave.” Galwin shut his eyes and a tear fell down his cheek. “Twins were not expected. When we arrived, we were whisked from our mother’s arms. The story is that she could not go on. That she believed us born to forty fathers and that we were demon seed to her. She hung herself within hours of our birth.”
    “ Do you believe such a horrid tale?” she asked, her other hand finding his cheek as she wiped away his tear.
    “ No,” he confessed. “I believe in my heart that she was murdered by the master, for twins were sacred, and should the priests come to question our conception, they would find out the truth, that she had been raped and given to many when the purchase agreement had said she was to be used by only one.”
    Lucia stayed perfectly still. “ And life for you was not kind, was it? Your master knew not if he fathered either of you, did he?”
    “ No,” Galwin said. “He could not sell us, because if we were his, it would look bad to have his children in servitude. Since he could not sell us, he made sure we paid the price.”
    Lucia knew men such as the master Galwin spoke of. They were beyond cruel. “ Manual labor, sexual servitude or gladiator games?”
    “ All of the above,” confessed Galwin. “Ewan was a favorite of the head guards to the master.”
    Lucia cried for Galwin and for Ewan, though she had only just met them. Galwin wrapped his powerful arms around her. “ Shh, now, my lady. No tears. Not for us. Our paths crossed with Raider and much changed. We are now free and have much coin and gold. We are not the same slave boys we once were.”
    “ You allow your tongue to run away from you,” Ewan spat, startling both her and Galwin.
    Galwin stood, facing his brother, matching him in size and very closely in looks. “And you allow your temper and jealousy to guide your mouth. Look upon her, Ewan, she was property there. She would have been used by her master and when he had what he wanted, murdered just as our mother was. Is that what you want?”
    Ewan ’s hard gaze softened somewhat as he looked to Lucia. “No.”
    “ Then do not treat her as if she is the enemy.” Galwin stormed out of the room, leaving Lucia alone with Ewan.
    She scrambled from her seat and stood against the wall, fearing what he might do to her now that he had her alone. The gladiator males

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