Red Wind

Read Red Wind for Free Online

Book: Read Red Wind for Free Online
Authors: Raymond Chandler
Tags: detective, Suspense, Crime, Hardboiled, private eye
darkness she came closer to me and her side touched my side. But I didn’t move this time. The wind howled and the trees shook. I kept on rolling the cigarette around in my fingers.
    “I suppose you’ve read that story,” she said. “About the wife and the real pearls and her telling her husband—
    “I’ve read it,” I said.
    “I hired Joseph. My husband was in Argentina at the time. I was pretty lonely.”
    “You should be lonely,” I said.
    “Joseph and I went driving a good deal. Sometimes we had a drink or two together. But that’s all. I don’t go around—”
    “You told him about the pearls,” I snarled. “And when your two hundred pounds of beef came back from Argentina and kicked him out—he took the pearls, because he knew they were real. And then offered them back to you for five grand.”
    “Yes,” she said simply. “Of course I didn’t want to go to the police. And of course in the circumstance Joseph wasn’t afraid of my knowing where he lived.”
    “Poor Waldo,” I said. “I feel kind of sorry for him. It was a hell of a time to run into an old friend that had a down on you.”
    I struck a match on my shoe sole and lit the cigarette. The tobacco was so dry from the hot wind that it burned like grass. The girl sat quietly beside me, her hands on the wheel again.
    “Hell with women—these fliers,” I said. “And you’re still in love with him, or think you are. Where did you keep the pearls?”
    “In a Russian malachite jewelry box on my dressing-table. With some other costume jewelry. I had to, if I ever wanted to wear them.”
    “And they were worth fifteen grand. And you think Joseph might have hidden them in his apartment. Thirty-one, wasn’t it?”
    “Yes,” she said. “I guess it’s a lot to ask.”
    I opened the door and got out of the car. “I’ve been paid,” I said. “I’ll go look. The doors in my apartment house are not very obstinate. The cops will find out where Waldo lived when they publish his photo, but not tonight, I guess.”
    “It’s awfully sweet of you,” she said. “Shall I wait here?”
    I stood with a foot on the running-board, leaning in, looking at her. I didn’t answer her question. I just stood there looking in at the shine of her eyes. Then I shut the car door and walked up the street towards Franklin.
    Even with the wind shriveling my face I could still smell the sandalwood in her hair. And feel her lips.
    I unlocked the Berglund door, walked through the silent lobby to the elevator, and rode up to 3. Then I soft-footed along the silent corridor and peered down at the sill of Apartment 31. No light. I rapped—the old light, confidential tattoo of the bootlegger with the big smile and the extra-deep hip pockets. No answer. I took the piece of thick hard celluloid that pretended to be a window over the driver’s license in my wallet, and eased it between the lock and the jamb, leaning hard on the knob, pushing it toward the hinges. The edge of the celluloid caught the slope of the spring lock and snapped it back with a small brittle sound, like an icicle breaking. The door yielded and I went into near darkness. Street light filtered in and touched a high spot here and there.
    I shut the door and snapped the light on and just stood. There was a queer smell in the air. I made it in a moment—the smell of dark-cured tobacco. I prowled over to a smoking-stand by the window and looked down at four brown butts—Mexican or South American cigarettes.
    Upstairs, on my floor, feet hit the carpet and somebody went into a bathroom. I heard the toilet flush. I went into the bathroom of Apartment 31. A little rubbish, nothing, no place to hide anything . The kitchenette was a longer job, but I only half searched. I knew there were no pearls in that apartment. I knew Waldo had been on his way out and that he was in a hurry and that something was riding him when he turned and took two bullets from an old friend.
    I went back to the living-room and

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