Reignite (Extinguish #2)

Read Reignite (Extinguish #2) for Free Online

Book: Read Reignite (Extinguish #2) for Free Online
Authors: J. M. Darhower
over him. "You've hardly taken a moment of rest in the past
six months."
    "How can I rest with him out there?"
    "Is it him being out there that worries
you? Or is it her ?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "I mean are you more afraid of your brother succeeding or of her
    Michael considered that, his gaze fixed to the projecting image.
Nothing seemed to matter more to Satan than listening to Serah's heartbeat. It
had become an obsession to the fallen angel, something that terrified Michael.
    He remembered the last time Satan became obsessed with a beating heart.
    It had changed everything.
    "I'm afraid those are the
same thing, Father," Michael admitted. "I'm afraid he'll corrupt
another innocent mortal, and I can't just stand around and do nothing this

    "It's mesmerizing, isn't
    Lucifer sat alone in a section of vast white space in Heaven. Or at
least, he thought he was alone. But the voice behind him shattered the
moment of peaceful silence, pulling him from the depths of his thoughts.
    He glanced beside him as his brother sat down. Michael looked on in
awe, his gaze fixed straight ahead at their Father's newest creation before
    Earth .
    It was the middle of the third day since the project had begun. An
abundance of green was growing on the land, the first stitch of life appearing.
Lucifer had been sitting there since it started, watching every moment with
conflicting feelings.
    "Yes," he said. "It's certainly something."
    "I wonder why He's making it," Michael said. "Do you
have any idea?"
    They knew what it was from the beginning, but why had evaded them.
Blessed with knowledge, but so far robbed of insight. Lucifer had been trying
to riddle it out on his own since it started. He was the closest to their
Father, the only one ever granted time alone with Him, but even he had little
more than a guess.
    He'd been made to leave the throne room when it all started, as if it
were supposed to be a surprise. He had a few theories, the current overwhelming
him with thoughts of love.
    "I think it's paradise," Lucifer
said quietly. "A home for His children."
    "Home," Michael repeated. "I like the sound of
    The first sprinkling of color started to appear, what Lucifer seemed to
instinctively know as flowers. Although angels weren't all-knowing ,
they possessed an innate knowledge thanks to their connection to their Father.
Lucifer watched with morbid fascination as the plants bloomed, dotting the
    Beautiful .
    His lips slowly turned up into a smile. "Me, too."
    Michael sat beside him in silence for a long while, watching the
landscape shift as another day dawned. Surrounding the Earth, the sun and the
moon formed, stars appearing in the sky, seasons created right before their
eyes. It was amazing, full of their Father's love.
    A true gift.
    Lucifer couldn't wait until it was finished. He looked forward to calling
it home .
    Day four breezed by, dawning day five.
    Waves crashed against the land on earth, the water now teeming with
life. Lucifer stared in wonder. Thousands upon thousands of different creatures
had popped up before his eyes, each one unique and mesmerizing. His Father's
ingenuity was beyond anything Lucifer imagined. There were ones with the
ability to create, others that could fly ; from a
massive gentle giant in the ocean to the tiniest speck of a creature in the
    Lucifer's chest was so full of love he felt like he would burst if he
felt anymore.
    The day came and went, the creativity not stopping. Creatures appeared
on land, animals of all kind, just as elaborate and breathtaking. He sat in
awe, his brother silently by his side, as time wore on and the world began to
    How much more could their Father bless them with?
    It was during the sixth day, in a glorious garden, when another
creature formed, molded out of the earth. Unlike the four-legged animals, and
the ones with scales, and gills, and fins, this creature looked eerily like him .
    Lucifer watched in shock as

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