Rescued By An Alpha, Complete Set
missing." They all agreed with that.

    Jim was one of the architects who stayed behind with Brian to supervise the construction. He was good friends with Tom, and felt obligated to find him. The next day he decided to pay Carlos Fontana a visit. He hoped to find the waiter who served him ice at the party. Maybe he could provide him with some leads to Tom's whereabouts.
    When he arrived at the house, he walked around to the back entrance. Inside, he met some of the staff who recognized him from the party.
    "Hi, how are you doing? Great night we had here the other night. I'm looking for the waiter who served me drinks at the table. Where can I find him?"
    They were reluctant to tell him. "What do you want with him?"
    "I thought maybe he could help me get some dope?"
    They laughed. "You want some dope man? Ha-ha, you have come to the right person. You will find him in the shed down at the back of the garden."
    "What's his name?"
    "Just call him Digo."Jim thanked them and headed down to the shed in the back.
    It was a huge shed, well hidden behind trees and bushes, a long way from the house and the garden. As he got closer, he heard several voices from inside the shed. He sensed that something illegal was happening in there. He was nervous. The perspiration coming out of his forehead. Jim had done a lot of acting in the past now had to put his talents into action. He has to do a lot of talking and act as if he has lots of confidence. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he walked casually up to the guard in front of the door. The guard, wearing a gun and looking intimidating stopped him from entering.
    "What are you doing here?"
    "I just want to talk to Digo." The guard let him through without any more questions.
    Jim was amazed to see the setup in the shed. It reminded him of a large laboratory. Several men and women are busy looking after all the sophisticated equipment. Jim spotted Digo and walked over to him.
    "Hi Digo, that's a mighty fine setup you have going here. Any chance of me getting some dope?"
    Digo smiled, "Sure how much do you want?"
    "I just want enough to keep me going until I get home."
    "Come over here and have a drink with me." Digo took him over to the corner and they sit there chatting. Jim felt they hit it off pretty good.
    "You want to meet me for a few drinks and a game of pool at the hotel tonight?" he asked as he paid for the dope.
    "That will be great." They shook hands and Jim got ready to leave. He was very happy with the results of his investigation.
    Now he might be able to get some information about where Tom is. Jim headed back to the hotel and told Brian about his meeting with Digo.
    "He is working in a big shed hidden in the back of Carlos Fontana's property. They are making drugs there. I suspect that Carlos is a drug lord."
    "Shit, that is a big one. We will have to let the police know about that as well as Tom's disappearance. Good work Jim."
    "I'm going to meet Digo here in the hotel tonight for a game of pool. I thought maybe I can find out where Tom is."
    "If we are lucky, we can get an undercover cop to join you. I suggest we talk to the police and get them in on it. I think you will feel safer."
    "Okay, but don't spoil it for me because I am sure I can get Digo to talk once he has had a few drinks."
    Brian got in touch with the police and explained the situation. An hour later, two men dressed in business suits entered the hotel and walked over to talk to the receptionist at the check-in desk, where Brian had already left a message for them. She sent them right up to Brian's room where he is waiting with Jim. The two civilian-dressed policemen sat quietly listening while Brian explained the situation to them.
    "We have the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) located here in South America. They are a branch of the Secret Police. They are already aware of something illegal going on at Carlos Fontana's property, but they are holding back because it is a big operation,

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