Resisting Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 2)

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Book: Read Resisting Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Nicki Rae
other woman while he needs to be with me. So, for Liam to sit here implying Fent has feelings for me is ridiculous. However, he has confirmed what I was afraid of: there is more to Frank than he lets anyone see and in order to get to the bottom of the situation, I need to talk to him. A glimmer of hope begins blossoming at the fact that maybe Fenton is trying to keep me safe from Frank and that is why he is staying away from me. But why wouldn’t he tell me? It would be so much easier on both of us if he would just let me know what is going on. Unless that isn’t the reason he is staying away and in that case, maybe I am better off without him.
    “I can’t speak for Fenton, I don’t know what is going on in his mind, but he is dangerous, Piper. He has tried and failed to stay sober more than anyone I have ever known. I thought with you around, he may be different this time but I was wrong and for that I am sorry.”
    “Do you know what happened today, Liam?”
    “Frank gave me the overview.”
    “What exactly did he tell you?”
    “That Fent went crazy and held the two of you at gunpoint.”
    “Of course that’s what he told you. He was so sad and so broken and I thought he was going to continue the story he couldn’t finish last night. Yes, he had a little to drink but underneath all of his anguish, I could tell he was excited to finally tell someone and I was so happy that someone was me. However, before he could even begin, Frank stuck his nose in. You and I both know how much it hurts Fent to talk about his past and Frank just stepped in and threw it in his face. I know Fenton is not innocent in all this, although Fenton was only a child when all of this took place. So to think Frank blames him is still not sitting well with me, but for once he was going to tell someone how he felt. To me that is a step in the right direction and it disgusts me that Frank took that away from him. How long have you known Frank is Fent’s father, Liam?” I have to stop myself as I hear my voice becoming angrier. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. Once I feel somewhat calmed, I become conscious of the fact that we are still outside and discussing some very personal subjects. I quickly look around to make sure no one is listening; thankfully, the only other people that were out here left.
    “I only recently found out and only by accident. One thing I want you to remember, Piper: Fenton has been at this for a long time and I know as much as it hurts you to see him hurting, please know that he always finds a way to pull himself through it. It isn’t going to be pretty but I can assure you he will do what is necessary.
    “I know you think what I did to him was low and I can assure you it didn’t make me feel very good having to do it. But I did it for him, Piper. You have to believe that. He wants so badly to get away from Frank. Sometimes I think he thrives on the drama they cause each other but it is wearing on him and I’m sure you can agree with that.”
    “So, you made sure Fenton was fired for his own sake? I have to say, I don’t know I agree that was the best way to handle the situation. I mean, look what happened today. He came very close to shooting Frank and I am not convinced that if I weren’t standing there with them, that he wouldn’t have.”
    “I don’t think he would have shot him.”
    “You seem so sure but you weren’t up there and you didn’t see the hurt in his eyes.”
    “I’ve seen it many times before, Piper.”
    “He just left me, Liam.”  As soon as the words pass over my lips, I can feel the tears welling; I can’t hold them in any longer. “He just left me and when I went to find him, he was leaving his bar with who I thought at the time was some random woman. I know now it was his bartender but the pain that tore through me when I saw them together just minutes after he left me was crippling. If I ever doubted the feelings I have for him, they were proven in that very

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