Retribution (Redemption Series)

Read Retribution (Redemption Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Retribution (Redemption Series) for Free Online
Authors: R.K. Ryals
was capable of. They were all wrong. I
wouldn't think of Amber every time I was with Marcas if she died. I loved Marcas too much for that, knew
what kind of person he was underneath all of the Demon hype. Bad
boy, maybe. But a bad boy who knew how to love.
    "Release her," I repeated, my
eyes moving briefly to Marcas '.
    I'm not sure what Marcas saw in my gaze, but he nodded and backed away. This was my fight. It was my life
that was being manipulated. No matter how wonderful it is to be rescued by a
sexy, larger than life hero, it's even more fulfilling facing some things
alone. And if Amber died, her blood would be on my hands because I didn't
intend to let Damon win this fight no matter the consequences.
    "Cockiness is not attractive,"
Damon growled as Amber screamed.
    The point of Ian's dagger was pressed
now against Amber's skin. It was enough to bring blood, but it wasn't enough to
cause serious damage. I felt my jaw tighten. Amber's screams made my heart bleed, and I hardened myself against the emotions that
suddenly bombarded me.
    "Neither is arrogance, but you
certainly don't lack in that attribute," I breathed as I turned to face
him, my back now to Amber. "What do you want?"
    Damon's eyes narrowed, his gaze sharp as he moved toward me. I could see Marcas stiffen, but I shook my head. Damon was mine.
    "Wear the Seal, Dayton. Feel the
power. Purge yourself of Marcas ' blood and take
    Damon was whispering now, his eyes black
as they stared into mine. I could feel his presence, blurry and mad, at the
edge of my mind, and I knew he was attempting possession. My bond with Marcas prevented it. I leaned forward and stood on the tips
of my toes. I was still too short to look Damon in the eyes, but it didn't stop
me from trying.
    "You can go to hell."
    Amber screamed again behind me, and I
swallowed hard. Damon grinned.
    "Being a smartass is easy, Dayton. Watching someone die . . .   not so much."
    He was right, but I could feel Marcas's energy moving through me and it kept me strong. It
kept me strong because Damon couldn't hear Marcas '
voice in my head. He couldn't hear the whispered, urgent plans that were being
written behind my eyes. I was blocking like hell.
    "Do you think you can break
me?" I asked.
    Damon's face hardened, and his hand was
suddenly wrapped around my wrist. His grip was crushing, and I whimpered
without meaning to. It just made him squeeze harder, and although the pain was
distracting, I knew it had given Marcas the time he
    There was a scream behind me, but it
wasn't Amber's. I didn't have to see Ian James go down to know Marcas had killed him. I felt a brief moment of guilt. Marcas had killed a man possessed by a Demon, a man who
hadn't been in his right mind. It was, morally, murder. But my sister lived.
    Damon swore, his hand lifting, and it
was my screams that filled the air as he grasped my other wrist, forcing me to
the ground as he sent a shock of power through me so strong, I was positive I
was dying. Marcas yelled, but I knew as soon as Damon
released my left wrist, his power keeping me immobilized as the Seal began to
slide magically from a finger on his right hand what he intended.
    "No," I whispered, my teeth
    I could see Marcas now from the corner of my eye. He was down on one knee with one fist on the
ground and the other against his stomach. It wasn't Damon's power controlling
the two of us. It was the Seal. I felt the ring rub my hand, and I tried to
pull away.
we are a link between three worlds. The Seal links only two. "
    I wasn't strong enough to block my
thoughts, and I knew by the way Damon looked over at his brother that he had
heard Marcas ' words. Marcas '
head lifted, his eyes meeting Damon's.
    "You think that matters,
Brother?" Damon asked.
    Damon threw back his head and laughed as
I let Marcas ' words echo through my mind.
    "Blood bonds only go so far," Marcas said, his voice low and
    Damon grew still, the ring frozen now at

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