Revenge of the Bully

Read Revenge of the Bully for Free Online

Book: Read Revenge of the Bully for Free Online
Authors: Scott Starkey
for the best time to strike.”
    â€œActually, you kinda got me already,” I said. He looked confused so I continued, making it up as fast as I could. “It’s the suspense of waiting, you know. Just ask anyone who’s been killed. Waiting’s the worst part. It would be so much worse for me if you waited, um, say twenty or thirty years.”
    Trevor shook his head before responding. “My brother Toby said you had a smart mouth. He wasn’t kidding. You know, part of me appreciates that, though. Really. But another part of me, a bigger part, can’t stop thinking of the joy your squeals of pain will bring me. Besides, you took my spot as running back and I’m not forgiving that!”
    â€œWhy not? You’re still the starting middle linebacker.”
    â€œTrue, Rathbone, true. Coach says defense wins championships. But I know that offense gets the girls. I was this close to kissing Josie.” He held his fingers an inch apart in front of the bars of my mask. “Then you show up and she hasn’t spoken to me since. I’ve been really depressed.” He shook his head. “And you know, there’s only one thing that can get me out of this funk. Can you guess what that is?”
    I had a pretty good idea, especially since he was twisting the front of my jersey and pulling me closer. He said, “You know, maybe now isn’t such a bad time after all, Rathbone. The school psychologist says I need to find an outlet for my anger issues. He advised me not to bottle up my feelings. . . .”
    â€œHave you tried yoga?”
    â€œDo you punch people in yoga?”
    â€œNo, but my mom showed me how to do the downward dog. Here, I’ll show you.” I attempted to pull away but Trevor only pulled me in closer. I watched his other hand form a fist. The coaches had conveniently wandered off. Josh was still back at the school. How had the field gotten so empty? Where would he punch? If he went for my face mask he would probably break his hand. Would he aim at my stomach instead?
    Before I found out the answer to my last question, my chicken instincts took over. “What if I can get you a date with Josie?”
    His fist lowered slightly. “I don’t need a slimy runt like you to land me a lady. She already went on a date with me during the summer.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    â€œWe had a great date. Super romantic.”
    â€œCandlelit dinner?”
    â€œNahh, we went to see the demolition derby.”
    â€œYou think a demolition derby is romantic?” I asked.
    â€œAll right, maybe it’s not as romantic as professional wrestling, but that’s why I bought her dinner.”
    â€œWell, that part sounds nice.”
    â€œYeah. The hot dog had a little dirt on it, but it gets dusty at the track.”
    I almost pointed out his stupidity but decided to play along. “Certainly sounds like a special evening,” I lied. “The track dust is part of the ambiance. Besides, I’ve always felt that dirt adds a nice smoky flavor to meat.”
    â€œExactly!” he said, nodding. “You get it.”
    â€œSo after this clearly wonderful date, what happened?”
    â€œI don’t know!” He let go of my jersey and put his hands into the air. “I texted her a couple of days later to see if she wanted to go cow tipping at the old Smith farm. She never wrote back and when I try to talk to her she avoids me.”
    I had to ask. “What’s cow tipping?”
    â€œYou city boys don’t know nothin’ about a good time. Cow tipping is when you sneak up on a sleeping cow and push it over. They wake up mad and you run away. Good thing you moved here from the city. You’ve been missing out on the finer things in life.”
    â€œSo I see . . .” Afraid he might still need to unleash his anger, I added, “What about me getting you a second date?”
    He looked at me for a moment,

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