Richer Ground

Read Richer Ground for Free Online

Book: Read Richer Ground for Free Online
Authors: Jessie M
inch all over. What you see is what you get.”
    “I can't believe that,” he chuckled.
    Their meals finally arrived and they tucked in hungrily with a lot of light hearted chat after the rather heavy stuff.
    Alista was becoming very interested in Rick. She wanted to explore his depths further, to find out about his serious sex side and just about everything else that he was made of.
    They drove to the club and he dropped her off at three.
    “I had a great time, thanks. It was a lovely meal. Shame I have a nine hour shift ahead of me 'cos I could do with a nap to help digest it...”
    “I enjoyed it too, really. It's been good therapy to share things with you. So, I'll pick you up at midnight, in the car park?”
    “No...You don't need to do that. I can walk it in twenty minutes.”
    “I want to make sure you get home safely. Besides, I can see you again... even if it's just for a few minutes.”
    “Well, if you insist Sir Galahad... Guinevere will be waiting impatiently for your return. Make sure the horse is clean and well fed.”
    “Oh ha ha.”
    She waved goodbye as he left.
    Her stomach rolled over and over.
    Very strong feelings going on here...
    Tonight she was going to keep her tongue in order. Until she got him in bed.
    She wouldn't be responsible for it after that.

Chapter 5
    It was quiet for once. A few bursts of activity and a lot of couples. Couples didn't drink anywhere near so much as groups, per head, she'd noticed.
    Greta stood texting on her phone next to her.
    “Boyfriend?” she asked.
    “ No, it's a friend... I don't have boyfriends,” she said, casting her eye up at Ali.
    “ What, never?” She was surprised. Greta was quite pretty, tall and blond with big blue eyes. She was sure men would be very interested in her. In fact she was chatted up all the time behind the bar. Not that she seemed to take much notice. She ignored all their compliments completely.
    “ I don't like men. Not in that way.”
    “ You're gay?” It all made sense now.
    “ Ya, at fifteen I had my first relationship with a much older woman.”
    “ Is there anyone special, back in Austria?”
    “ I have two ' friends' .”
    “ You have two girlfriends?”
    “ We live together in Innsbruck. I'm going back soon Ali. I really miss them,” she sighed heavily.
    “ Ah... I see… a female ménage a trois...” she giggled.
    “ Ya, we are good friends. Very, very good friends.”
    Ali's mind boggled for a moment. She couldn't imagine sleeping with two women. Or two men either. She was very traditional in her outlook on relationships. What other people did was their business. But she was a one man, one woman type.
    “Here, this is Letta and Karolin...” She handed Ali her phone. Two pretty little faces smiled back. One brunette and one fair.
    “ They're lovely girls,” she said honestly.
    “ Mmmm, very lovely. And not girls. No... They are both twenty five... older than me and real women...” Greta laughed.
    “ Do you ever have problems, being as there's three of you? Jealousy and that type of thing?” she asked.
    “ Sometimes. We have had some very bad fights. We know we have to be a little careful. But we love each other Ali. It's all part of learning to love, yes? Sharing, compromise, fighting, making up... It's not all about sex, is it? That's a small part. What happens outside the bedroom is more important,” Greta said, with a lot of feeling and a deep expression.
    Ali gave her a little hug of understanding.
    “I really don't know Greta. I've never loved anyone. My boyfriends have all been players, young guys not interested in having a real relationship. It's been sex and not much else.”
    “ You play with boys, not men... that's why. Things will change, don't worry.”
    “ I hope so...”
    “ Mr Robertson is a good choice for you. I like him. As a person...”
    “ He seems keen.”
    “ More than keen, I think. He looks at you, in that way...”
    “ What way?”

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