Rock n Roll Babes from Outer Space

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Book: Read Rock n Roll Babes from Outer Space for Free Online
Authors: Linda Jaivin
Tags: Romance - Erotica
streaming out of the sexual experimentation chamber. Baby bent down and touched his cheeks, then brushed her lips lightly over his neck. A potent Earth boy smell, part bour-bon-and-coke, part sweat, wafted up into her nostrils and set off delicious vibrations in her antennae. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.
    ‘When you’re finished…’ Lati yawned.
    ‘Oh, sit on my faculae,’ Baby retorted, snapping out of her reverie. ‘And don’t just stand there. Give us a hand.’ Together they picked Jake up and carried him into the chamber, where they dumped him unceremoniously on the gleaming table.
    Doll watched with studied indifference as Baby and Lati pulled off Jake’s boots and socks and tossed them onto the floor. Next, they hoisted him up to a sitting position and yanked his Kyuss t-shirt up over his head. As his long arms slid out of the sleeves, they slapped heavily down on his sides. There was a sharp intake of breath but he didn’t wake up. Around his neck hung a leather thong upon which were threaded several pieces of flattened metal. Pulling this off, Lati experimentally bit into what was in fact Jake’s house key. ‘Yum,’ she approved, tossing the second key to Doll, who was perched on the sidebench, swinging her legs back and forth. Doll caught it easily and popped it into her mouth.
    Baby traced with her finger the tattoo of a scorpion that decorated Jake’s right shoulder blade. ‘Looks a bit like one of those guys from Zeta Reticuli,’ she observed. ‘I hope this doesn’t mean he’s had contact before,’ she added, a trace of apprehension in her voice. ‘I was hoping we’d get an alien virgin.’
    ‘Oh, I reckon he’s pretty pure,’ said Lati. ‘He could barely cope with us, and we’re nothing compared to some of the ayles out there. It’s probably just a coincidence.’
    Baby nodded, untying the flannelette shirt from around his waist. As they laid him back down, Baby’s eyes roamed over the breadth of his shoulders, the gentle curves of his long freckled arms, the soft, light down carpeting his forearms and chest, the lean lines of his torso, and the neat pink mounds of his nipples, one of which strained erect over a small silver barbell. A wee tuft of brown hair poked up out of the top of his trousers and curled around the strange little hole in his stomach. Now where would that line of fur lead to?
    Baby tugged impatiently at Jake’s jeans, but couldn’t pull them down past his slender hips. ‘Damn,’ she cursed.
    Lati, who was wearing 501s herself, shouldered Baby aside and unbuttoned the fly. Together, they shucked the jeans off Jake’s long legs and threw them on the floor as well. Some coins fell out of the pocket, making a chinking sound which caught Lati’s attention. She bent down, scooped up a handful and offered them to the others. Doll was still munching thoughtfully on the key and shook her head. Baby didn’t even register the offer.
    Baby was rapt. Jake’s smell clung to her nostrils, the touch of his skin set hers aflame, and the very sight of hishandsome face was causing a liquid longing to mist her ears. (Nufonians had
sensitive ears.) This Earth boy, she was thinking, was truly a thing divine. Lati, if asked, would have said she was having fun. Then again, she always had fun. As far as she was concerned, Jake wasn’t a bad biological sample, but that was about it. Doll, for her part, was utterly unmoved. She was thinking about drum kits—Pearl or Brady? One of each?
    It all boils down to chemistry, really.
    While Lati amused herself by tossing the coins in the air and catching them, one by one, in her mouth, Baby slipped trembling fingers into the waistband of Jake’s red jocks and eased them off. She gasped. What was this? The other parts of the Earth boy’s body had not contained so much surprise, for they were but variations on the forms the girls themselves had taken. But this fat pink plaything resting on its plump pillow and crowned

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