Sacred Surrender

Read Sacred Surrender for Free Online

Book: Read Sacred Surrender for Free Online
Authors: Ava Riley
Tags: Erótica
behind while the aroma of his favorite foods filled the air.  Madison smiled at the memories of her parents.  They never held back their affections for one another, something she appreciated now as an adult. She hoped that one day she would be able to find someone that she could enjoy the same way.  She quickly brought herself back to the here and now, focusing on finishing her meal. 
    Before Madison could finish her own meal, Rowan downed his last bite then excused himself to the kitchen to continue his work on the faucet.  He worked diligently for well over an hour before Madison decided to make her way to the small room.  She stood at the entryway, watching him kneel with his head tucked into the cabinet.  His muscles bunching underneath the confines of his shirt with every movement he made, while his jeans clutched onto his ass the way she wished her hands would.  Suddenly, she realized she needed to lean against the door frame.  He made her weak in the knees and he didn’t have a clue the reaction she was having to him. 
    “How’s the faucet coming along?”  she asked in almost a whisper.  She didn’t want to startle him. 
    Madison hoped it would take longer, because, honestly, she enjoyed having him in her home no matter how disarrayed everything was.  She also realized he was probably just being neighborly, probably more than ready to get the hell out of there. 
    “I’m just finishing up.  You might want to stand back before I turn this on,” he told her as he pulled himself from the cabinet and stood. 
    Rowan truly laughed for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, when he thought of the earlier incident resulting in him being covered in water.  When Madison stepped behind a tower of boxes to shield herself, he grabbed his side and doubled over with laughter.  He wiped the wetness from his eyes before leaning around the tower to find her staring straight into the boxes; a look of hope on her face that they would offer protection from any unnecessary shower. 
    “I don’t think hiding behind here is necessary,” he said desperately trying to keep the laughter from his voice. 
    As childish as Madison felt, seeing the laughter in Rowan’s eyes and hearing it in his voice, made her embarrassment worth it.  She’d never heard anything as mesmerizing as his laughter.  It came from deep within his belly, lighting up his entire face.  His laughter sucked her in and held her tight. She wanted to see and hear it more. 
    “You’re beautiful, especially when your skin turns red like this,” Rowan gently reached up and brushed his knuckles against her right cheek. 
    Bowing her head slightly, Madison didn’t know how to respond to that.  Other than her father, no man had every used that descriptive for her; cute, great personality, funny, but never beautiful.  Madison felt heat flare where Rowan touched her; then that same heat descended to places she didn’t know could actually burn.  He leaned into her lifting her chin with his finger and terror encompassed her just as quickly as her embarrassment had.  She had practically no experience kissing and she certainly didn’t want him to know that.  If she thought she was embarrassed now, having this man find out that she didn’t know how to use the lips God gave her would send her spiraling.  Not only that, but they’d just met and she didn’t even know anything about him.  She pulled away slightly. 
    “I can’t kiss you, Rowan,” heat flooding her entire body by his closeness. 
    “Why not?”  He wanted to kiss her; he’d not wanted anything so much in his whole life. 
    “I don’t know anything about you.  Hell, I don’t even know your last name,” she whispered. 
    “Worth,” he exhaled as he breathed seductively against her ear.  “My name is Rowan Alexander Worth.  I’m a doctor in the emergency room at Long Beach Community Hospital.  I have a

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