Sally Wentworth - A Typical Male

Read Sally Wentworth - A Typical Male for Free Online

Book: Read Sally Wentworth - A Typical Male for Free Online
Authors: Sally Wentworth
copper across his palm. Then his shoulders suddenly hunched as he bent to give
his own kiss.
    There was need in his embrace, a
deep longing in the lips that so eagerly took hers. Brett knew he ought to hide
it, to control it, but he couldn't; he had thought so often of the first time
they'd kissed, so much wanted her in his arms again. She didn't resist or try
to fight him, and it was only a moment before she responded, her lips moving
under his, her arms going round his neck. He pulled her closer and gave a soft
groan as he felt her body against the length of his. An agony of desire ran
through him as his lips moved to her throat and he smelt the poignant, somehow
mysterious and yet feminine scent of her perfume. His loins ached with need of her, his breath grew hot and unsteady. He wanted to tell her
how much he wanted her, hungered for her, but he knew it was too soon, too
soon, and that he must somehow control this desperate yearning. Another tremor
ran through him as passion deepened, but then Brett lifted his head, his eyes
closed, fighting for self-control.
    He was gripping her shoulders,
not knowing that his grip was so fierce it was hurting her. Tasha looked up,
her own breath unsteady, that startled look again in her eyes. Slowly she
reached up and stroked her fingers down his face. Brett gave a shuddering gasp
and opened his eyes to look down at her. Harshly he said, 'Do you like to play
games with men, to tease them?'
    'Do you think
I'm teasing you?'
    'Yes!' The
word was bitten out on a stark note.
    'But I'm not.'
    Brett looked down at her, not
knowing how to take that. 'Why didn't you answer my calls?' he demanded.
    She hesitated for a moment and
would have moved away, but he wouldn't let her, his grip on her shoulders
tightening. 'No, look at me. Tell me.'
    Again she hesitated but then
said slowly, 'I've been seeing someone.' This time the agony that went through
him was one of terrible despair. Brett felt as if the world had suddenly come
to an end and he could see no future. 'I had to tell him that it was over
before I…'
    'Before?' He hardly dared to breathe.
    Tasha flushed a little. 'Before I was free to see
anyone else.'
    It was as if someone had turned on a brilliant light after complete
darkness and the world was suddenly wonderful again. Lifting her off her feet,
he swung her round, laughing up at her.
    'Hey!' She pretended to be indignant. 'Not so much of the macho
    Brett set her down again but kissed her as he did so, then looked down
at her, very much afraid that he was grinning like an idiot.
    'What makes you so sure you're the one I want to see?' she asked him dampeningly, but her eyes were laughing.
    'What makes you so sure I'd want to see you after you ignored my
calls?' he countered.
    With a small shrug of her left shoulder, Tasha said simply, 'You're
here.' She moved away from him. 'Would you like some wine? There's a bottle of
Chardonnay in the fridge.'
    'That would
be fine.'
    He followed her to the kitchen and leaned on the doorframe as he
watched her, trying to be nonchalant but feeling his blood still pumping with
gratified pleasure and excitement. She fancied him! Liked him
enough to ditch her current boyfriend. The fact that she'd done so
surprised him; most of the girls he knew wouldn't have bothered, would have
thought nothing of dating more than one man at a time. Unless
it had been a serious relationship, of course. He thought about that as
she reached up to a cupboard to get a couple of glasses and he saw the material
of her clothes taut against her body, her slim thighs and rounded breasts. He
wanted her all over again and at the
same time felt a surge of jealousy about the man she'd been seeing.
    But his face betrayed none of
his feelings as Brett took the glass she held out to him. 'Should we drink a
toast?' he asked, wondering if words could mark this—for him—momentous moment.
    'I'm no good at toasts.' Tasha
walked ahead of him back into the sitting-room and

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