Santa Fe Dead

Read Santa Fe Dead for Free Online

Book: Read Santa Fe Dead for Free Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
up with the characters you’ve played.”
    “Well, you’re pretty much on target,” Susannah said, “especially the beautiful and intelligent part.”
    Eagle laughed. “I can vouch for your perceptions, Dan.”
    Susannah sipped her drink. “There’s something wrong with this drink,” she said. “It tastes funny.”
    Eagle, who was drinking the same bourbon, tasted his, then tasted hers. “They seem the same to me.”
    Susannah held up a hand, as if telling him not to speak, then she picked up her napkin, held it in both hands and vomited into it.
    A waiter rushed over and relieved her of the napkin and handed her another.
    “Excuse me,” Susannah said, starting to get up. “I’m feeling a little odd.” She got to her feet and fainted into Daniel Shea’s waiting arms.
    “I think it’s caught up with her,” Shea said, sweeping her up. “Let’s get her home.”
    Eagle followed behind him and helped get her into the car. “Should we take her to the hospital?”
    “I don’t think that will be necessary.” He handed Eagle his car keys. “There’s a medical bag in my trunk; get it for me, will you?”
    Eagle retrieved the bag. When he returned Shea was sitting in the backseat with Susannah, her head in his lap. He held his fingers to her throat. “Her vitals are fine; she’s just having a bout with post-traumatic stress disorder. My guess is she’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep, though she may want to come and talk to me.”
    “I’ll encourage it,” Eagle said.
    “Don’t. Let it be her idea.”
    “I’ll drive you home when we’ve gotten her in bed.”
    “I’d better stay over, to be there if she needs me. You do have a guest room, don’t you?”
    “A guesthouse; you’re welcome to it.”
    “She may wake up in the night and move around. Try to settle her down. If she becomes agitated, call me, and I’ll give her something to calm her down.”
    “I’m almost as surprised at her reaction as I was at her lack of reaction after the shooting,” Eagle said.
    “Some people are just stoics,” Shea replied. “It takes them a longer time than most people to externalize what they’re feeling inside. It’s good that she’s finally let it out.”
    Eagle drove on, hoping that this was the worst effect she would experience from the shooting.

    EAGLE AND SHEA were having breakfast when Susannah, looking dazed, wandered into the kitchen. Eagle got her into a chair.
    “I’m sorry about last night,” Susannah said.
    “It’s all right,” Ed said.
    “Had to happen,” Dan chimed in. “You can’t go through something like that without it having an effect. How do you feel?”
    “Rested but a little dopey. Did you give me something?”
    “No,” Dan said. “I didn’t think you needed anything.”
    “I’ll make you some eggs,” Eagle said.
    She picked up half of his English muffin and spread some marmalade on it. “No, thanks, this will do fine.”
    Eagle gave her some juice and, when she had downed it, filled her coffee mug.
    “That’s what I need,” she said, sipping the strong liquid.
    “Well,” Dan said, rising, “I have appointments this morning; I’d better get going.”
    “Can I come and see you?” Susannah asked.
    “Of course.” He consulted a pocket diary. “How about two o’clock? I’m usually reading medical publications at that time, but any excuse not to.”
    “I’ll see you at two.”
    Shea gave her directions.
    Eagle got up. “I’ll drop you at your car,” he said. He turned to Susannah. “Will you be all right on your own?”
    “Of course. Get out of here, both of you.”
    THEY GOT INTO Eagle’s car and drove down the mountain.
    “She’ll be okay,” Dan said. “Last night was a good thing for her, a wake-up call.”
    “I think you’re right,” Eagle said. “She’s a sturdy person.”
    EAGLE SETTLED BEHIND his desk and looked at the messages waiting there. He returned a couple of calls and signed some letters, then sat alone in his

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