Saved by a Rake
ultimatum had changed his perceptions.
    Daniel spoke first to Lady Chapelbrooke, as was customary. Bowing over her gloved hand , he thanked her once again for the invitation. He detected a certain steeliness to her polite smile. He straightened and looked around the room, his gaze settling on the young, blonde woman on a chaise near the large bay window.
    “ Would you do me the honour of introducing me to your sister, Eversley?” Daniel asked. His friend raised an eyebrow slightly but nodded before leading him over to Lady Rebecca. No one else had approached the young ladies, and Daniel wondered if it had something to do with the scandal.
    “ Rebecca, this is my good friend Lord Ramsey. Ramsey, may I introduce my sister, Lady Rebecca Eversley and her friend, Miss Claremont.”
    Daniel bowed to both ladies, who in turn politely nodded their heads.
    “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Ramsey.”
    “ I am honoured to make your acquaintances, Lady Rebecca, Miss Claremont. We are having delightful weather for this time of year, are we not?”
    “ Indeed, my lord, though I fear we may yet be in for another cold spell.” Just as he would have asked her why she believed it to be the case, a small squeak emanated from Miss Claremont, and she stood hurriedly.
    “ Oh I do beg your pardon, Mama is beckoning to me. I am afraid I must leave now.”
    “ Of course. Let me escort you over so I may speak for a moment with your sister, Miss Claremont.” James gave Daniel a cheeky smile before placing his hands behind his back and following the young lady to the other side of the drawing room.
    “ Please, will you take a seat, Lord Ramsey?”
    “ It would be my pleasure,” he answered before seating himself an appropriate distance away from her.
    “ Thank you. Have you been in London long?”
    “ I came down for the Season about two weeks ago. Until then I was at Drumbane, my father’s estate in Scotland.”
    “ Of course. I hear it is much colder in Scotland than London at this time of year.”
    “ Yes. Generally it is colder all year round. Have you ever been there?”
    “ Alas, I have only travelled as far north as York. I would like to see Scotland one day.”
    “ Perhaps you will.”
    “ I tried to read some poetry by Robert Burns, but I am afraid the language was too difficult.”
    “ Ah yes. It is in Scots rather than Standard English. Some of his poetry is rather political.” He could not prevent his lips from quirking at the idea of Lady Rebecca reading some of Burns’ more salacious poetry. He suspected, however, that such poetry may not be available in a Burns book that was widely available in a library that ladies frequented.
    “ That is true. Though I do like to read widely and have read some books on politics from my father’s library. It may be impolite to discuss such subjects in company, however, I do believe that broadening one’s horizons is imperative.”
    “ I agree.”
    Rebecca knew not how long she sat and discussed books with Lord Ramsey. But eventually she noticed her brother attempting to catch his gaze.
    “ It seems that James is ready to leave,” she said, nodding in the direction of Lord Eversley.
    “ So it does. Therefore I must take your leave. I hope it is not too forward to ask if you are attending Lady Wilmott’s ball tomorrow evening.”
    “ Oh!” If Rebecca was honest with herself, and she usually was, she had not really considered much beyond surviving her mother’s impromptu at home . “I do believe my mother accepted the invitation some weeks ago. Therefore I should be attending.”
    “ Then may I be presumptuous and ask if I may solicit your hand for the first dance?”
    “ That would be lovely.”
    Lord Ramsey stood, a satisfied smile gracing his handsome features. She watched as he uncurled himself, cat-like , then snapped to attention.
    “ I look forward to it.” He bowed low and caught her gaze as he straightened. “Lady Rebecca.” He turned and left as

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