Scared to Live
    know I've got kids of my own, don't you?' he said quietly, before she closed the door. Fry bit her lip, caught out by a moment of tricky human emotion when she hadn't expected it. 'Sorry, Gavin.' But he didn't seem to have heard her as he walked away. And by the time she caught up with him later, he was back to his old self, so she didn't mention it again.
    Brian Mullen was in a side room off one of the newer wards, with a PC on duty outside the door. Mullen was in his early thirties, sandy-haired, with a faintly pink complexion, as if his skin had been freshly scrubbed. His hands were bandaged, but otherwise he looked quite fit and healthy. He was also sedated and deeply asleep, as motionless as the dead. There was no point in asking questions of a comatose body. 'Naturally, he was in a very distressed condition when he was admitted,' said the ward sister. 'Apart from his physical injuries.' 'But otherwise he'll be well enough to be interviewed later?' asked Fry. 'You'll have to get permission from the doctor.' Fry didn't like hospital doctors much. They seemed inseparable from a smell of disinfectant and a tendency to interfere. White coats and professional obstinacy; both unwelcome obstacles when she was intent on finding the truth. 'Were you on duty when Mr Mullen's parents-in-law came in this morning, Sister?' 'Mr and Mrs Lowther? Yes, I spoke to them myself. It was helpful they came, because we'll be able to reassure Mr Mullen his daughter is safe, at least. She was with them last night, apparently. Oh, but you'll know that - someone called earlier.' 'Yes, thank you,' said Fry. 'So when will Mr Mullen come out of sedation?' 'Some time this afternoon.'
    'I need to know as soon as he's awake and fit to answer questions, Sister.' 'I'll inform the officer over there, shall I? I presume he's going to carry on hanging around here making a nuisance of himself?' 'I'm afraid so.' 'Well, I hope we have less trouble with the patient when he wakes up. He almost injured one of my nurses when we had to sedate him earlier.' Fry had been about to leave the ward, but she stopped halfway through the swing doors. 'What do you mean, you had to sedate him?' 'He was completely wild, shouting that he couldn't stay here, he had to get out. You know, we see some troubled cases in this hospital, but Mr Mullen was in a dreadful state.' 'He must have wanted to go back to his house. He knew his family were trapped in the fire.' 'Probably you're right . . .' The sister hesitated, sounding doubtful. 'I suppose it's not my place to say this, but that wasn't the way it seemed. If you'd asked me at the time, I would have said he was frightened.' 'Frightened?' Fry glanced back at Brian Mullen, lying motionless in his bed. 'Well, whatever it was, I expect he'll have forgotten it when he wakes up, won't he?' 'Not necessarily. It's his brain and body that are sedated. Deep-rooted fears are in the subconscious. And the subconscious never sleeps.'
    After a wasted trip across town and back, Fry was feeling even more irritable. When she pulled up near the Mullens' house, she found just one miserable-looking uniformed officer standing outside the gate. He had his hands folded behind his back, and he was bouncing slightly on his toes, as if auditioning for a part in The Pirates of Penzance. At any moment, he might burst into 'A policeman's lot is not a happy one . . .'
    'Where's the fire officer?' she asked, when Murfin emerged from the house. 'He's nipped off to get a bit of something for a late breakfast, lucky bugger. He said to tell you he wouldn't be long.' 'SOCOs here yet?' 'There's someone on the way, I'm told.' Fry looked around at her available resources. One Gilbert and Sullivan extra, and Gavin Murfin. There was nothing like trying to do things on your own, was there?
    Coming up behind the same tractor one more time, Bernie Wilding had to slow down on the road between Foxlow and Bonsall. But the tractor driver pulled over into a lay-by to let him

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