Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3)

Read Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3) for Free Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
at me.  “Okay, maybe not so great.”
    “That’s what I was afraid of.  Not seeing you these past days, not hearing a word from you, I had a feeling something was up.”  I pulled a deck chair up to his and sat facing him.
    “It’s getting worse,” he confided.  “Since the portal’s been opened, I have trouble finding my true self within.  It’s sounds so ludicrous, but that’s how it feels.  I don’t even know myself anymore.  I do things I would never do.  I say things I don’t even think.  The other day I took a box load of photos of Shayne when she was young and dumped them in the shredder.”
    “That’s understandable, Moore.  She put you through a lot.”
    He nodded somberly.  “I walk around the house a lot and I’ve been in her room a few times.  It still smells of her.  A lot of her clothes is still lying around.  I didn’t touch anything and I gave strict orders to the help not to even step inside her room.”
    “I can imagine.”
    “Then there are days I can’t go in there at all.  I want to tear everything up.  I want to rip everything apart.  I want to punch the walls out.  I’m so mad at her, but at the same time, I feel the effect of the portal that was opened.  I can sense the intensity of the demons that were released.  Dr. Kingsley did so much to hold them back, but they’re coming and they’re strong.”
    “I think we’ve already had a taste of that at St. James.”
    Moore looked at me and waited for me to explain.
    “Asher chased a demon into the locker room.  Not long after we found Bobby Fleishman’s drained body in a shower stall.”
    “The lacrosse defense guy?”
    “Yeah.  Worst of all is that Brax was there.”
    “And what?  You think he had something to do with it?”
    “Not really, but he shoved Asher into a locker and doesn’t even remember doing it.  He doesn’t remember being there at all.  On the other hand, I was just at his place and I was attacked by a demon.”
    “You okay.”
    “Yeah, just barely.  Funny thing is I couldn’t see it, but Brax could.”  I pressed my lips together and shook my head.  “I don’t get it.”
    Moore nodded knowingly.  “Actually, that proves my theory.  The ones coming through at the moment are the strongest ones because the portal had just barely opened, and only the strongest ones can seep through at the moment, because the gates are still trying to resist their force.”
    I noticed the creases of concern on his forehead.  “You worried?”
    Nodding, he reached out to gently finger the back of my hand.  “These stronger ones, the ones that are managing to get through, they’re harder to fight, harder to resist.”  He swallowed and it was obvious he was pained by his struggle.  “Fighting their influence has gotten virtually impossible.”
    “Don’t say that, Moore.  I know you're strong.  I know you can resist this, no matter how strong they are.”
    “Believe me, I’m doing my best.  It takes every ounce of energy, and there are days when I don’t know how I’ll manage, but…”  He squeezed my hand.  “I couldn’t live with myself if the metamorphosis was to become complete.  I couldn’t live with the thought I’d harmed you in any way.  And that’s what’s keeping me fighting.”
    The love in his eyes touched me and made me want to get closer to him.  I could feel the warmth of his fingers over mine and immediately sought the unhealthy pull of the demons.  But there was none, just peace and hope.
    “That’s what you do to me,” he said.
    I looked quizzically at him.
    “The whirlwind and turmoil of this battle, of constantly fighting the demons in my life is calmed and soothed just by being with you.”
    Pleased that I meant so much to him and drawn to the sensual curve of his lips, I leaned in to kiss him.  So dark, so mysterious, so dangerous… so delicious.
    “I guess in a way, I’m soothed by you too.”  I brushed my hand over his cheek and

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