Shadows in the Night [Hawkman--Book 12]

Read Shadows in the Night [Hawkman--Book 12] for Free Online

Book: Read Shadows in the Night [Hawkman--Book 12] for Free Online
Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
scurrying back and forth. I believe they're called pixies. They take the mail to the residents, as some can't do much walking. They also do odd jobs for the nurses."
    Hawkman nodded. “Kevin or I will not allow anyone into your room unless you give the okay. We will also accompany you on your walks or any other function you want to attend. George says you like to play bingo. If we spot a problem, we might ask you not to drink or eat anything until we can check it out."
    She frowned. “I'll agree, but I don't like it."
    "That's the way it has to be if you want protection.” Hawkman glanced at his watch and stood. It's getting late, so we'll leave you now. I'll check in with you tomorrow."
    "Thank you,” Maggie said.
    [Back to Table of Contents]

    As Kevin and Hawkman moved down the hallway toward the elevator, a little hunched-backed woman strolled by. She stopped, narrowed her eyes and shook a finger in the air. “What are you two men doing coming out of Maggie's room behind closed doors? Does George know about you two? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Just wait until I tell him."
    Before either one could open their mouths to respond, she walked away, shaking her head. They stepped into the elevator, chuckling.
    "I don't think you'll find this job very boring,” Hawkman said, as the door slid shut.
    "Mrs. Hampton appears to be a spitfire. I'm sure she'll see to it I stay on my toes,” Kevin said, as they walked out the front door to their vehicles. “This is really a lovely place. I wouldn't mind living here."
    "I'd hoped we'd get a guided tour of all the amenities, but time grew late and I didn't want to tire Maggie out. She said something about a workout room, movies, puzzles and all sorts of entertainment. Everything is here for their enjoyment. Maybe she'll take you around and show it off."
    "I'm sure it isn't cheap."
    "I don't know, but maybe I'll get some idea of the cost when I speak with the Business Manager, which I hope to do tomorrow,” Hawkman said, as they parted ways to their respected vehicles.
    * * * *
    Hawkman arrived at Morning Glory Haven around eight-thirty Friday morning. His gaze took in all the people traveling the hallway, then shared the elevator with a couple, and nodded at a few others as he headed toward Maggie's apartment. He knocked, but didn't receive an answer and decided to find the dining room. Going back to the first floor, he stopped a man in the corridor, and asked for directions to the cafeteria.
    The man laughed. “I can tell you're a visitor. It's not called a cafeteria; it's a full fledged dining room.” He waved a hand. “Follow me, I'll show you."
    When they reached the entry, Hawkman couldn't believe what he saw. The room had dozens of tables covered with colorful cloths, and fully set place settings with fabric napkins. The food smelled delicious, and everything appeared sparkling clean. The whole area emitted an air of elegance.
    When he spotted Maggie and George at a far corner table, he turned to the fellow who'd helped him and touched the brim of his hat. “Thank you. I see the people I want."
    The man smiled, gave a salute, and left.
    George saw him coming, and pointed to an extra chair. “Good morning. Have a seat."
    "How are things going with you two?” Hawkman asked, as he joined them.
    "Have you had breakfast?” Maggie asked.
    "Yes, thank you. This is really a beautiful dining room."
    "It's open all day and you can have any meal you want at any hour."
    "Maggie had a rough night,” George interjected.
    She slapped him on the arm. “Oh, George, he's not interested in my dreams."
    "What happened?” Hawkman asked with concern.
    "She had a horrible nightmare and howled so loud it awoke people across the hall. They immediately called 911 and the paramedics had to break the lock to get into the room, because they couldn't get Maggie to answer the door. When they finally got in, she'd awakened herself and couldn't figure out why they were

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