
Read Shimmer for Free Online

Book: Read Shimmer for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer McBride
five kilometres behind them on the other side of David’s house.
    David sighed loudly as he stretched out beside her. ‘This lounge is really comfortable,’ he said, sinking down into the plump, silk cushions she had provided for them. ‘It’s more comfortable than my bed!’
    â€˜Anything would be more comfortable than your bed.’ Kora was stretched out on a matching lounge beside him. They were on the very top of a hill, or at least, the top of a very large mound of rocks, not far from where she had been harnessed that morning.
    She let out a long, tired breath and dropped her head back to rest against the cushions. It seemed impossible that it was still only her first day on Earth. So much had happened since she had arrived. Somehow it seemed like an eternity since she had last seen her parents, and had spoken those hurtful, parting words to them.
    They both lay quietly for some time, lost in their thoughts. Kora stared out across the treetops towards the glittering city lights visible on the horizon. After the stress of the day, the night was so peaceful. Or at least it was until the silence was broken by the sound of David’s mobile phone beeping. A small circle of light lit up around him as he read the new text message, then he glanced up at her, a mischievous grin on his face. ‘Do you like camping, Kora?’
    â€˜I have never been camping,’ she replied. ‘I do not know if I would like it. Anyway, what does it matter? I have no intention of taking up this pastime. I have far more important things to concern myself with.’ She lifted her chin, but her eyes sidled over to him warily. ‘Why do you ask me this?’
    â€˜Well, it looks like you’re going to get to try it pretty soon.’ David pressed a few buttons on his phone and slipped it back into his pocket. ‘Every year a few of us go camping in the summer holidays, and it’s Hammer’s turn to organise it this year.’ He waved his hand down towards the bottom of the hill. ‘We usually set up camp down there on the other side of the rock, near where the creek comes out.’ He raised his eyebrows at her. ‘I guess you’ll have to come, too, this year. Now that you can’t be more than a hundred metres away from me.’
    Kora flopped back against the lounge. Great! A camping trip with David’s friends was the last thing she needed. David relaxed back against his cushions. Kora blew out a long, calming breath. It seemed she was going to be stuck with David and his life on Earth for the time being. For now she might as well just try to enjoy the peace of the night.
    She closed her eyes and tilted her face into the wind, letting the soft breeze lift the hair from her face. She tried to focus on the silence, but she soon realised the night was far from quiet. All around them were the sounds of unseen life. Kora listened to the rustling, scratching and screeching noises coming from the forest and wondered what strange creatures of the dark were out there making such a racket. Maybe camping out would be scarier than she thought?
    She glanced across at David. ‘Do you think we might see some pandas tonight?’
    He laughed. ‘There aren’t any pandas in Australia, Kora.’
    â€˜But this place is called Panda Rock!’
    â€˜That’s because from a distance the mound of rocks we’re lying on looks like a panda sitting up on its hind legs.’ He turned his head to the side to look at her. ‘You can even see the outline of its face. And there’s a darker patch of rock near the top that gives it a black patch over its eye.’ He shrugged. ‘People drive up here from the city to see it.’ He turned and pointed back towards the small township. ‘They even named the town of Panda Rock after it.’
    Kora’s smile faded. ‘So there are no pandas here at all?’ She couldn’t hide the disappointment in her

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