Sons and Daughters

Read Sons and Daughters for Free Online

Book: Read Sons and Daughters for Free Online
Authors: Margaret Dickinson
Tags: Fiction, Family Life
Mrs Beddows.
    ‘Ah, so that’s why three urchins presented themselves at my front door this morning asking to see Georgie?’
    Charlotte gasped in surprise. ‘They – they did?’
    ‘They did indeed. In fact, they’re still here somewhere – outside in the grounds, I think – playing with him.’
    ‘Oh!’ Charlotte could not hide her surprise and a sliver of anxiety. Was little Georgie safe? What if . . . ?
    As if reading her thoughts, Miles said quietly, ‘Have no fear for my son, Miss Crawford. Though I didn’t interfere, I heard them apologizing to Georgie and he invited them to play with him in the orchard. Cowboys and Indians, I think he suggested. So I’m sure all is well.’
    ‘I – do hope so,’ Charlotte said fervently.
    ‘And you have no need to feel guilty any more. They’re just being what they are. Boys.’
    Charlotte smiled wanly. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I suppose so.’
    He watched the pain in her face and knew from his brief conversation with her father that he was approaching delicate ground. Charlotte gave the dog a final pat and stood up. ‘I mustn’t take up any more of your time. You must be very busy. Thank you for seeing me.’
    Miles rose too. ‘It’s been a pleasure.’ His deep tone was warm and genuine. He opened the door for her. ‘And I’ll be seeing you again very soon. Tomorrow evening, in fact.’
    Charlotte stared up at him. ‘T-tomorrow?’
    ‘Hasn’t your father told you? He’s invited us all – even Georgie – to dinner.’

    ‘I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it.’
    Charlotte had still not recovered from the shock by the time she reached home and went straight to the kitchen. Mary was in a blind panic.
    ‘He’s just told me,’ she said. ‘It’s more than twenty years since I cooked for a dinner party. Not since – ’ She paused and glanced at Charlotte. ‘Well – not for a long time. Dear, oh dear. I’ll have to get Joe to take me on the cart into town. We’ve nothing in but the plain fare we normally have. “The best, Mary.” That’s what he said. “The best.” Whatever’s he thinking of? And with such short notice, an’ all. I’ll have to have some help, Miss Charlotte.’
    ‘Yes, yes, of course. I’ll help you.’
    ‘Oh, more’n that. I’ll have to ask Peggy Warren to come. That’ll be all right, won’t it?’
    ‘Of course. If she can leave the old man.’
    ‘She’ll just have to – for once,’ Mary said firmly. She stopped her agitated pacing and sat down at the table. ‘But why? Why now and why them?’
    Charlotte was silent for a moment. Then she said in a flat voice, ‘Because Mr Thornton has three sons, Mary, that’s why.’
    Mary gaped at her and couldn’t think of a word to say.
    By the time Mary and Edward were in their own bedroom that night, however, Mary could think of plenty to say.
    ‘All these years he’s been a recluse and kept that lovely girl away from any kind of society ’cept his farm workers and their families,’ she whispered angrily, to avoid being overheard. There were three large bedrooms on the first floor of the farmhouse. Osbert slept in the biggest,reached by the main staircase, and Charlotte in the one on the opposite side of the landing. The third room, beyond Charlotte’s, was where Mary and Edward slept and it was reached by a narrow back staircase from the corner of the huge kitchen. ‘So why does he suddenly want to start entertaining now?’ Mary was still ranting. ‘Miss Charlotte reckons it’s because of the boys. Mr Thornton’s sons. But I don’t see why he wants to befriend them?’
    ‘Wouldn’t put owt past that old devil,’ Edward muttered. ‘He’s got a devious mind. I wouldn’t like to even try to guess what be goin’ on in his head.’
    ‘So why’ve we stayed here all these years?’
    ‘You know as well as I do, love. We’ve only put up with him for Miss Charlotte’s sake. If it hadn’t been for her, I’d’ve been long

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