Spells A La Carte (Mystic Cafe Series Book 3)

Read Spells A La Carte (Mystic Cafe Series Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Spells A La Carte (Mystic Cafe Series Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
moments later and I let them know what I’d found. I wasn’t sure how much time they’d put into looking for Reagan though. She was an adult and could have left of her own free will.
    “We’ll check Roxanne Beams’ hotel,” the officer said.
    “Can I call you to see if you’ve found her?”
    He handed me his card. “If I find out anything, I’ll give you a call.”
    Did that mean that he wanted me to wait for him to call? Once the police left the park, it was time for Grandma Imelda and me to get out of there. There was nothing left for us to do tonight.
    I headed down the sidewalk toward my car parked back at the café. Unfortunately, the police had taken my award with them in case they found Reagan. I had explained that the award had my name on it, but they didn’t seem to care. I supposed my award was the least of my worries right now though. I had a bad feeling that she hadn’t taken off on her own.
    “Whew, am I glad to be sitting down,” Grandma Imelda said when she climbed in the passenger seat of my car.
    “It’s been a long day. We’ll go home and I’ll make us some dinner.”
    “Don’t you have a date with Rory?” Grandma Imelda asked.
    It was our regular date night. Other times we just stayed at Rory’s house or mine, watching movies or talking over dinner. Tonight would be the night we’d go out on the town. Rory always came up with the best plans, whether it was the theater or just strolling through the park. 
    I steered the car out onto the road. “I think he’ll understand that I’m too tired tonight.”
    I was a little surprised that he hadn’t called me yet. After I’d prepared soup and cornbread for our dinner, my phone rang.
    “Hello, gorgeous,” Rory said as soon as I picked up.
    “Wow, what a day,” I said.
    After I explained what had happened, he said, “So how about a movie or we could just go for a walk?”
    I knew I’d said I would just go to bed, but I really wanted a chance to ask Rory about his cousin. “In a half hour?” I asked.
    “I’ll pick you up.”
    As soon as I hung up, I rushed toward my bedroom so that I could get ready as quickly as possible.
    “You decided to see him after all?” Grandma Imelda asked.
    I popped my head around the corner and waved my toothbrush through the air. “I figure this will give me a chance to ask about his cousin. I can’t wait until tomorrow.”
    Grandma Imelda winked. “That’s my girl.”
    I slipped into my favorite pair of jeans and a black sweater and my comfortable cowboy boots. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for another trip to the park this soon though.

Chapter 6
    Rory had a big red truck that I had a hard time even climbing up into. His dog Beau loved to sit in the passenger seat and go for rides. I was sure he’d been disappointed when Rory left without him tonight.
    “Sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk with you all day. Work kept me busy.” His voice sounded as if he was tired .  
    I smiled. “That’s okay, we were busy too.”
    I wasn’t sure how to tell him that Tom would be back in town soon. That was probably not something Rory would want to hear. For now I would keep it to myself.  
    It was a pleasant drive through town as I explained, a crisp fall night with not a cloud in the sky and a million stars in the sky. Soon the lights from town broke through the darkness. I was glad because there was an uneasiness that I’d felt while driving in the dark. It felt as if someone was watching us. No matter how much we drove it felt as if the eyes had stayed on us. Not to mention I felt a bit of magic in the air. Just on the cusp where I couldn’t quite put my finger on the source.
    As we neared the café, I looked over at Meredith’s shop. I was almost obsessed with the place now. Why did I keep watching it? Was it because of the magic I felt? That was probably it. I just couldn’t understand where the feeling had come from if Meredith said she didn’t use magic. Of course there was always

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