Spirits Shared
telling him Tekoa's name and saying he was meant to be their
    Still, be couldn't shake the rightness, the
feeling that everything that had happened today had led to this
moment, this place, this man. But maybe he was still concussed and
having the mother of all erotic dreams.
    Jess was the one with the imagination. She
was the one who liked the metaphysical stuff.
    He scrubbed his hands over his face. Didn't
feel like he was still concussed. In fact, he felt pretty damn
    That had his heart taking off in a sprint.
Had him shivering at the sudden slide of ice down his spine. When
his cousin Selina had told him about this area, she'd said, It's
    Yeah. Right. Not going there. Except here he
was standing buck-naked with a boner in front of a guy wearing a
loincloth and sporting a hard-on. A guy who'd kissed Jess like she
already belonged to him. A guy Jess wanted.
    "I owe you, but… Fuck. I don't want Jess
hurt. It was a tough day before the car went off the road.
So lay off. Okay? Don't push her." Christ, he couldn't believe he
was still hard. "Fuck."
    "We'll get to that." Tekoa glanced toward
the cabin door. "You need some clothes. And she's probably ready
for some reassurance." Lifting a wooden cup from the mantel above
the fireplace, he said, "Drink this first."
    * * * * *
    Clay took the offered cup. Honey-warm liquid
slid down his throat and the warmth it generated was like what he'd
experienced before he'd opened his eyes in the waking dream.
    He wanted to reach for his cock. Fuck, he
wanted to reach for Tekoa's. The need and desire were beyond
anything he'd ever felt for another man. It nearly drove him to his
knees. It nearly had him drawing Tekoa forward, guiding him
    Heat shuddered through Clay. "You drugged
    Tekoa laughed. "Hardly. My constituents
wouldn't be happy with me if I did that."
    "Constituents?" He set the empty cup on the
mantel, and for a heartbeat was mesmerized by the Thunderbird
carved into the rich wood.
    "I'm sheriff here."
    "And healer?"
    "Not usually. But for you and Jessica, yes.
The land brought the two of you here, but we can take it slow."
    Clay's cock jerked in warning and this time
he couldn't keep from taking it in hand to appease the ache. He
didn't stroke. He wanted to, had to fight against it, but he didn't
dare risk it. Having another guy looking at his dick, looking at
his hand on his dick was nearly enough to make him go off.
    He couldn't, not yet. Not until things were
right between him and Jess. She had to come first, literally and
figuratively. If she accepted Tekoa on her side of the bed then she
would accept Tekoa on his side.
    Tekoa's eyes heated and color highlighted
his cheek bones. Clay's hand tightened on his shaft.
    "I've got some sweats you can wear," Tekoa
said, moving to a dresser.
    Clay smiled at Tekoa's rapid escape. He
might be naked and hard but at least he wasn't suffering alone.
    He glanced down at where his hand encircled
his dick. Yeah, he'd always been one to grab for the brass ring
when it presented itself, but right now it felt like he was wearing
a cock ring.
    It took concentration and willpower to peel
his hand off his dick one finger at a time. He managed it.
    Tekoa tossed him the sweats. He snagged them
and tugged them on, his cock leaking against the soft fabric.
    A navy blue T-shirt followed. He pulled it
on, his balls going tight because apparently wearing clothes that
smelled like Tekoa and had been against Tekoa's naked skin did it
for him.
    He wasn't sure he could handle learning
anything else new about himself today.
    Tekoa came back to the rug in front of the
fireplace and lifted a second cup from the mantel. "Get her to
drink this. She was hurt too, but I could only do so much to heal
her during the sing. I'll be dressed when you two come back in.
Maybe we can play cards or something, spend some time getting to
know each other."
    Clay took the cup. There was need in

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