Stalk Me
he had a shot."
    He leans closer to my face. I can't help but look at his mouth. God, I want that mouth. Please let him kiss me. Lying in the sand, under the moonlight, in a beautiful gown, would make for the perfect first kiss scene.
    Instead, he gently rubs his thumb across my cheek and looks deeply into my eyes.
    “I know you, Keats. You're not the same when you're with your friends. You turn into a high-strung, power-hungry, popularity whore when you’re with them. That's not you. You're my little laid-back surfer girl."
    His girl?
    Awwww! OMG! 
    Wait . . . little girl? 
    Ack! No!
    "I don't know who I am anymore. Or even who I want to be. Sometimes I feel like I live two separate lives. When Sander and I started dating, it was my dream come true. All I ever wanted was to be popular, have lots of friends, and date the most popular guy. Now that I have it all, it just feels . . . um . . .” I search for the right word.
    “Kinda. It's like I'm living the movie of my life based on some script I wrote when I was twelve. Actually, I am. I still have the script I wrote. When I thought the best thing in life would be to have a boy kiss me. When I thought being popular and dating the hottest guy would be the key to high school happiness."
    I sit back up, fidget with my beer, and pop my toes in and out of the sand. I feel like I’m at a turning point in my life, and I’m just not sure which way I should turn.
    He pulls a joint out of his pocket, lights it, and hands it to me. 
    “You seem really uptight.” His eyes get big, and he grabs my arm. "Did he hurt you? Is that what this is all about?"
    “Ha.” I laugh pathetically. “Don’t I wish.”
    "You wish?"
    I take a hit and then another. Then I start to get tears in my eyes. 
    Just what I want. The guy I totally crush on to see me all weepy.
    He sees my tears, puts his arm around me, and is concerned. “Keats, tell me now. What happened?"
    I slam one of my hands down in the sand in frustration. “I just don’t understand it. People say I’m pretty. Guys hit on me at parties and whistle at me on the beach. So why doesn’t Sander want me?”
    “What do you mean, he doesn’t want you?”
    “Shouldn’t the guy I’ve dated for over a year want to have sex with me? I mean, I can understand that he believes in no sex before marriage, but shouldn’t he at least have a hard time resisting me?”
    Brooklyn starts laughing. 
    I swat his arm. "Stop laughing.” But then I can't help it, and I start laughing too. It’s funny. 
    Or tragic. I’m not sure which. 
    Or maybe it’s just the weed.
    "You've been dating him for over a year.”
    “I know. We really haven’t done much more than kiss.”
    Brooklyn giggles and takes another hit. "That's awesome. The way he always has his hands all over you, I thought for sure you were doing it.”
    "It's not awesome. It's totally embarrassing. It’s like I’m not desirable.”
    He grins at me and nods his head up and down. "You should definitely break up with him." Then he stands up and says, “Come on,” pulls me up off the sand, and walks me to my door.
    He leans against the mahogany door outside my bedroom. “You’re still coming with me tomorrow night, right?"
    “Tomorrow night?” What is tomorrow night?
    “Damian’s last gig?” 
    Duh. “Of course; I wouldn’t miss it. I’m sorry, B. I just have a lot on my mind right now.”
    I look up into his eyes. 
    He smiles, leans in, and kisses the side of my head. Kind of by my temple. While his lips are still lingering close to my ear, he says, "For the record, Keats, you are very desirable."
    Then he turns and walks away.
    I don't dare move or take a breath. I want to relive his words over and over. I want to feel the spot where his lips touched my face. The fire that I just don't feel when Sander kisses me.
    I plan out the scene in my mind. One of the many different scenes I’ve scripted for the story of my life but have yet to

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