Star Force: Zealot (SF87) (Star Force Origin Series)
    “As I have made clear,” Riley interrupted, “I can do that whenever I damn well please.”
    “Then perhaps the Trinx are right.”
    “By attempting to destroy the only means to control the Hamoriti?” the Bpret challenged.
    “They cannot be allowed to maintain control over it.”
    “Have you all gone mad?” the Domu suddenly blurted out. “A solution exists. A solution! How long as we searched for one? How long have we painstakingly researched and found nothing on our own and no trace of what became of the Ancients. This is our only chance and we should be grateful for it, but you greet those who bring it to us willingly as enemies before they have done anything to warrant that label. Be glad that someone can control the Hamoriti. Our nightmare is nearly over, yet the Trinx seek to destroy our salvation and the Sety are poised to support them in this insanity. Anyone striking against the ship that carries the solution will have to go through the Domu to get to it from this point on. Do I make myself clear?” he asked, looking directly at the Sety.
    “The same goes for the Chamra,” the cyborg agreed.
    “They cannot be trusted,” the Sety reiterated as the last of the Trinx ships stopped firing, either do to being disabled or destroyed. “And the Trinx will not let this incident pass.”
    “So be it,” the Jonstar said reluctantly. “All our races swore an oath long ago to guard and secure the Hamoriti. We must fulfill our oaths now that we have been blessed with an opportunity that our ancestors did not have. We dishonor them by even speaking of squandering it.”
    One by one the other races chimed in with similar sentiments, not all eager to turn their back on the Trinx, but in the end that was what even the Sety were forced to do.
    “Very well,” he agreed reluctantly. “We proceed without the Trinx with regard to the freed Hamoriti. This promised solution will be given a chance to be tested. The Sety fleet will guarantee that much, but we will not grant anything else at this time.”
    “I don’t need your permission,” Riley said defiantly, but then he looked around at the others and softened his expression, “but thank you for it. Please begin sending ships to pick up survivors. We will pull them out of the wreckage, but we prefer not to take them prisoner.”
    “We will see that they are returned to a Trinx world,” the Chamra promised. “It is the least that we can do.”
    “Same goes for those on the surface.”
    “We’ll take care of it.”
    “Thank you. Once we clean up here be prepared to leave for the rogue’s current position. We need to stop it before it kills anyone else. What becomes of this one can be dealt with later.”
    “It’s still in a Li’vorkrachnika system,” the Yisv pointed out. “Will that be a problem?”
    “We give them a chance to surrender all the time. Tell them to run away and we won’t shoot them on the way out. Our task is with the Hamoriti.”
    “I will send a ship on ahead to so instruct them. On behalf of us all, I apologize for the ships and people you lost this day.”
    “We lost ships, but we didn’t lose any people. Only the Trinx did.”

    February 3, 3255
    Ulinard System (lizard territory)
    Inner Zone
    The Zeus exited its jump into the glare of a bright white star following the arrival of some 54 ships sent by the other 7 races in The Nine to escort them into the system with the Yisv being absent. Following him immediately came the Excalibur , then the line of warships began to arrive one by one as Riley got his first good look at the system.
    There were ten planets, two of which had been inhabited by the lizards, and one of those had been either evacuated or destroyed according to the Chamra feeds that were being sent to the Star Force fleet. The Hamoriti was currently located on an uninhabited planet…or rather in an uninhabited planet on the outskirts of the system where a large fleet was blockading

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