STARGATE SG-1 29 Hall of the Two Truths

Read STARGATE SG-1 29 Hall of the Two Truths for Free Online

Book: Read STARGATE SG-1 29 Hall of the Two Truths for Free Online
Authors: Susannah Parker Sinard
definitely metallic arc inlaid into the floor.
    “Well, that would explain why there appears to be no way in or out,” said Daniel, coming to look too.
    “I’m guessing there’s no panel around here that’s going to let us use them?” Jack figured there wasn’t, but he felt compelled to ask anyway.
    “If this is indeed a prison, then you are correct, O’Neill. We will find no means to activate the rings from within this cavern.”
    Jack automatically looked to Carter. It was almost Pavlovian, after all these years. About now was when she usually came up with some brilliant solution to get them out of here. She glanced up and caught him staring at her. Damn. He hadn’t meant for that to happen.
    “Sorry, sir. I’m afraid I don’t have any answers either.”
    “Didn’t expect you to, Major.” He’d meant to let her off the hook, but by the crestfallen look on Carter’s face, not to mention the glare he was getting from Daniel, apparently it hadn’t come across that way.
    Jack looked back down at the rings. “At least now we know where the front door is.”
    “Which gets us what, exactly?” Daniel frowned.
    “I don’t know, Daniel. Someplace to lay out the welcome mat.” He hated not knowing what was going on. It made him irritable. So did this damn headache.
    “Everybody just —” Jack waved them away from the rings. “Go see if you can find a panel somewhere.” He cut off Teal’c before he could speak. “I know. There probably isn’t one. But humor me.”
    Jack watched them scatter. The odds of success weren’t great. Zero, in fact. But it sure as hell beat sitting around waiting for the next damn shoe to drop — or his head to explode. Whichever came first.
    The others had regrouped in the center of the cavern by the time Sam joined them. She’d made one more pass around the perimeter, but hadn’t found a thing. Of course, without even so much as a flashlight it was possible she could have missed a well camouflaged panel. But she tended to agree with Teal’c. They were trapped in this place until someone decided to ring them out.
    “The good news is that they obviously didn’t put us in here with the intention of killing us,” Daniel pointed out. “They could have done that easily enough on the surface.”
    “Well, that certainly brightens my day.” The colonel was making no attempt to conceal his bad humor. Sam avoided looking at him. His earlier remark still stung — as if she really needed further proof that he’d lost confidence in her. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t trying to figure a way out.
    If only her head would stop pounding. It was hard to think around the pulsating, red mass of pain that made her brain feel like it was about to be split in half. She was usually pretty good at ignoring physical discomfort, but, as far as headaches went, this was off the scale.
    It didn’t help, knowing the rest of them were waiting for her to conjure up some kind of brilliant idea. Sam could feel herself tensing, defensively. What did they expect, after all? It wasn’t like she could make a control panel appear out of thin air.
    “I guess all we can do is wait,” she said finally, watching as their faces registered disappointment. Well, Daniel’s and Teal’c’s, anyway. She still wasn’t looking at the colonel.
    “So it would seem.” There was a hint of resignation in Teal’c’s voice. He adjusted his stance as if he intended to remain in that pose for quite some time.
    Out of the corner of her eye Sam saw the colonel shove his hands deep into his pockets and let out an exaggerated sigh.
    “Awww, Hammond’ll be looking for us by now. We’re way past due. I think.” His hand covered the empty place on his wrist where his watch had been.
    “Who’s to say we’re even on the same planet?” Daniel observed. “We were unconscious for a long time; at least it feels that way.” His brow furrowed in concentration. Or maybe it was pain. “Much too long for it

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