Steel Me Away
low and dangerous.  'Watch it, Ericsson."
    "Watch what?" Case scoffed. "Watch you get so wrapped up in pussy you forget basic security?"  HIs words twisted like a knife in my gut.  "Teach is up to something.  Terms are being agreed to and I don't fucking like where they are headed.  I wanted to talk to you about them, but you were nowhere to be found. "  He paced in a tight circle, his words spit out in staccato bursts.  "Come to find that you had fucking pulled a disappearing act.  Didn't bring your phone.  Didn't leave a contact.  You just left.  In the middle of a fucking war."  He stopped and stabbed an accusing finger in my direction.  "To go off and bang you new chick in different scenery."
    J. raised his fist, halting just before it crashed into Case's cheek.  But the big man didn't even flinch. "Back off, Ericsson," J. warned.  "I ain't talkin' to you when you're like this.  Show some fucking respect."
    "Respect!  Ha!"  Case laughed derisively.  "That's fucking rich."
    "I got enough shit on my plate.  I don't need more shit from you."  And with that J. stepped around his best friend.  "Let's go, Em."
    I felt my mouth working in silent protest.  Case shot me a look of pure loathing, then turned back to the garage.  "Are you coming, Em?"  J. barked. 
    With nothing else to do but follow, I scurried behind him, the dread sitting in my stomach like a lead ball.
    "Are you going to talk to him?" I whispered when we were far enough away.
    "I'm going to take a fucking shower."  His tone was flippant, but the set of his jaw betrayed his fury. 
    "Then what?"
    "Then I don't fucking know, Emmy.  Stop trying to crawl up my ass."
    I stopped in my tracks.  The small flare of terror in my belly was too familiar to bear. 

Chapter 8
    Case was avoiding him.  Funny thing was, though his best friend thought he was punishing him, it was actually a fucking relief.  He was a grown ass man.  It was ludicrous to think that he should have to account for his every action. 
    For the first time in a long, lonely time, he had someone other than his biker brothers to focus on.  It was a heady feeling, and one he was sure Case, with his fear of letting anyone into his life, would never understand.
    So he avoided Case right back.  There was more than enough to keep him occupied.  Most of which resided between Emmy's creamy thighs, of course.  But there was also the small matter of his sister leaving profanity-laced messages on the office answering machine.
    Teach was perched on the office stool.  He tapped a pencil on a pad of yellowed paper, his gaze a million miles away.  J. recognized the look, and scuffed his foot against the floor.  He knew that if he just appeared at Teach's side, the older man would jump nearly out of his skin.
    The small noise worked.  Teach turned in his direction, but the set of his mouth was not welcoming.
    "That was a fairly stupid move, J.," he said evenly.
    J. decided to play dumb.  "What move was that?"
    "Don't pull that shit.  You could have been ambushed."
    "Nah, they're not gonna take it that far."
    "Oh really?  And you know that how?"
    J. paused.  The deep guilt he felt over leaving the fight flared to life again and with it his anger.  "Because they're a bunch of pussies who hide behind their numbers instead of being real men.
    Teach blinked.  "Are you speaking truth or just mouthing off."
    The air left J.'s lungs in a sorrowful whoosh.  Teach always knew exactly how to corner him.  "Mouthing off, fuck.  Case got me all riled. I'm sorry I left, okay?"  He didn't mean it, but he knew it needed to be said.
    Teach sighed heavily, looking suddenly old.  "I'll let it slide.  Your head's all muddled up with your new girl."  His tired eyes twinkled in amusement.  "She's got you hoppin'."
    J. rubbed the back of his neck.  "I don't mind."
    "Yeah, so we heard."
    "Shut up."
    "Speaking of what I've heard...." Teach turned on his stool and pressed 'play' on

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