Stick in the Mud Meets Spontaneity (Meet Your Match, book 3)
    “True.” He finally handed the notebook back to Sam. His gaze rested on her face in a thoughtful, I’m-trying-to-figure-you-out-but-still-have-a-lot-of-questions way.
    But he didn’t ask any more questions. He simply tipped his hat. “Well, Samantha, it’s been a pleasure. Guess I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.” He pointed to her sandaled feet. “And I wouldn’t wear those tomorrow if I were you.”
    “Yeah, figured that out on my own, thanks.”
    He grinned and slid out of the car in the same fluid way he’d gotten in and shut the door behind him. Sam twisted her key and started the engine, then watched him saunter back toward the wild mustang. Who was Colton McCoy exactly? Did she like him? Did she not like him? Did she want to take riding lessons from him, or did she want to offer to babysit the twins so Emma could be Kajsa’s chauffeur for the next two weeks?
    Sam honestly couldn’t say.

    Colton grinned at his garlic-laced mashed potatoes before shoving them into his mouth. Every time he thought of his encounter with Kajsa’s treasured Samantha, he couldn’t swipe the smile from his face. She’d turned out to be as gorgeous as she was interesting. Ride a bull? Have a fling? Jump out of a plane at fifteen thousand feet? Purple hair?
    Had she written that list as a joke, or was she seriously planning to do those things? Thinking of that silky, curly blonde hair dyed purple made him snicker, and mashed potatoes shot into his air canal, making him cough and splutter and cough some more. He quickly chugged some water.
    “What on earth is wrong with you?” asked his mother.
    “Nothing.” Colton returned his attention to his plate, trying to force his thoughts away from the image of spunk driving away in a yellow Bug called Sunshine II. Was there a Sunshine I?
    “He’s been acting that way ever since he met Kajsa’s babysitter,” taunted Dustin with one of his too-wide grins.
    Colton suddenly felt the urge to press his brother’s face into his potatoes.
    “Her name’s Samantha, and I’m giving her a few riding lessons. That’s it,” said Colton. They’d find out sooner or later, and he’d rather it be here, over dinner, than tomorrow morning when Samantha showed up to hear their reactions.
    “You’re doing what ?” His father gaped at him from across the table.
    “Teaching a couple of lessons. Not a big deal.”
    “Just like bringing home a wild mustang isn’t a big deal?”
    “I never said that wasn’t a big deal. I only said I’d find a way to make it work.”
    “Just like you’re going to make these extra lessons work?”
    “That’s right.”
    His father shook his head and frowned at his meal, looking ready to trade in his oldest son for someone with a lot more sense.
    Colton’s mother placed her hand over her husband’s. “Oh, come now, Mike. I remember a time when you used to drive twenty minutes out of your way just to pick me up for school every day.”
    “That was different,” he muttered.
    “How so?”
    “We were friends. He only met the girl this morning.”
    His wife smiled gently at him. “With as much as Kajsa and Adi talk about Sam, we’ve known her longer than that. Sometimes one meeting is all it takes.”
    This conversation was getting out of hand. Colton tossed his napkin onto his plate. “Takes for what? Good gravy, people. I’m not planning on marrying Samantha or even dating her. She expressed an interest in riding, and I offered to help. It’s no different than what I did for Kajsa.”
    “You keep tellin’ yourself that if it makes you feel better,” said Dustin. “But you weren’t coughing up mashed potatoes after you met Kajsa.”
    For whatever reason, the comment struck Spencer’s funny bone, and he started cackling, spewing mashed potatoes of his own.
    It was enough to make Colton’s normally cool composure crack. More and more, he was ready to find his own place and put some distance between him and

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