Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]

Read Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] for Free Online

Book: Read Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Fox
Tags: Romance
nauseous,” he murmured.
    Delilah smiled, inclining her head in his direction. “Perhaps if you did have a woman to play kissy face with, you wouldn’t be so nauseated by us.” She winked.
    “Wouldn’t that be swell?” James said with a crooked grin. Then he heard the front door to the station open. “Well, back to work.” He stood and rounded the corner of his desk.
    “I’m not kidding, James.” Clay placed his hand on James’s shoulder. “You need a vacation. You can either pick the dates you want off or I’ll do it for you.”
    Sighing, he said, “Do what you’ve got to do, Clay. You’re the boss.” There was no point in discussing it further. Whether he liked it or not, he was going to have to take a few days off. Sadly, he didn’t have a clue what he’d do if he didn’t have work to keep his mind busy.
    He stepped around Clay and headed toward the counter. His eyes widened as he studied the alluring, brown-haired woman he approached. As he drew nearer, he noticed the amber highlights that drew out the breathtaking blue in her eyes. Swallowing hard, he was beside himself, stunned by the familiar gaze staring back at him.
    Her tight jeans molded over long, lean legs and gathered sublimely at a slender waist. He couldn’t prevent his eyes from exploring her small but perfectly round breasts and settling on a face so lovely he nearly choked on his tongue.
    In all his life, there hadn’t been a moment he’d lost himself in the presence of a woman. Always the calm, cool, and collected sort, he no longer felt as such. The sight of her had his gut swirling with a million electrifying nerves. The strange feelings that flooded through him rocked him off his foundation. He was utterly shocked by not only her innocent beauty, but by the knowledge that he somehow knew her.
    He prayed his feet would remember how to function on their own, carefully placing one foot in front of the other. For whatever reason, his brain was not to be trusted. With his luck, he’d trip and land on his face. What a sweet first impression that would make.
    Inhaling deeply, he asked, “May I help you?”
    Her sweet, coy smile nearly robbed him of breath. “I hope so. I heard there was a position open for a clerical assistant.”
    He choked as the thought of working with her daily drowned him like a wet dream. He quickly covered up his reaction by clearing his throat. “Oh, right, the clerical job .” Smooth. Real smooth.
    Her face paled. “Is it still available?”
    He narrowed his brow, curiosity consuming him. The expression on her face screamed she was desperate for employment. “Yes, I believe so.”
    The moment he spoke the words, her eyes lit up, sparkling as if the sun was peering through her soul. “Then I would like to apply.”
    His throat constricted as his thoughts tripped over the sexual harassment claim potential. Not because he would physically do anything to her, that wasn’t his style, but he was sure he’d never be able to stop staring at her mouthwatering lips, smooth skin, and hypnotic blue eyes. Not to mention the sumptuousness of her body that he would surely fantasize about daily.
    What the hell is wrong with me?
    He fumbled through the stack of papers under the counter in search of the applications. He hated that he must look like a directionless idiot. After all, he was the one who’d stored the paperwork at the counter for walk-in candidates.
    Finally, after what felt like an hour, he found the application, grabbed a clipboard and pen, and handed it to the woman who in less than thirty seconds had turned his brain into pudding.
    “Please fill this out and let me know when you’ve finished.”
    She flashed an appreciative smile, and again his heart did a funny little flip in his chest. She looked so familiar, but for the life of him, he couldn’t put his finger on just how he knew her. Maybe it was his man parts telling him that he’d been too long without the tender touch of a woman and that

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