Submitting to Him

Read Submitting to Him for Free Online

Book: Read Submitting to Him for Free Online
Authors: Alysha Ellis
she couldn’t cope without him but because they hated to be apart and Blair had the wealth to ensure they never needed to be.
    Blair ended the call and turned to Elise. “The takeover in Frankfurt’s been fouled up. I have to go there and sort it out.”
    “Can’t you send someone else? You have a huge staff. Surely one of the directors can do it?”
    “There are at least five others with the expertise,” Blair agreed, sighing deeply. “The problem is the owner of the chain we’re taking over refuses to deal with anyone but me.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “The timing sucks but I have an obligation to see this through. I can’t blow the guy off as if he didn’t matter.”
    Elise knew how much Blair’s reputation as a fair and hands-on powerbroker mattered to him. But they’d just found Nick and she had nowhere near had her fill of him. She wasn’t sure she ever would. And Blair enjoyed watching them together, enjoyed participating. They had never found anyone with whom they had struck such an instant rapport, never known anyone who seemed so much to belong.
    “Where’s Nick?” she asked.
    “He left when the phone rang.” Blair was already packing, paying little attention to neatness or where things went. If he’d had to he’d walk out and arrange for their belongings to be sent. “The helicopter will be here for us in an hour.”
    Elise picked up the internal phone. “I’d better tell them we’re leaving.” She paused with the phone halfway to her ear. “I’ll ask them to keep the rooms. How long do you expect this problem will take to solve?”
    “I’ll need at least ten days to settle the deal, maybe longer.” He looked at her, his sombre face warning her of what was to come. “After that, you know we are booked up for months with this international hotel acquisition project. Before we came we knew these few days were a stolen luxury.”
    Something hard and lumpy lodged in her throat. She loved Blair but she knew she could love Nick too, if only they had the time.
    “There’s no way we could stay a little longer?”
    Blair’s mouth tightened. “I can’t. I have to be there.” He looked at her, his eyes suddenly blank and distant. “You could stay if you really wanted to.”
    She knew what he was offering. She rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him. “Never. I don’t want Nick if I don’t have you there as well.” She looked up at him. “How could you even think that I would want that?”
    He rubbed wearily at his face. “I guess I’m not thinking clearly at all. Ring the desk and see if you can get Nick to come up here. We owe him an explanation and a personal goodbye.”
    Five minutes later there was a peremptory knock on the door. Nick stood there looking formal and efficient but the emptiness in his eyes matched Elise’s feelings.
    “You’re leaving?” he asked. “Is it something I did? Something to do with…?”
    “No, not at all, “ Blair said. “I have been called away suddenly on business.” He looked down the corridor and seeing it empty pulled Nick inside. “I have no choice.”
    “You will be coming back though,” Nick asked.
    “Not for months,” Elise said, a tear trickling down her cheek.
    Nick reached out and caught it one his fingertip. He stared at it for a long time, his throat working. “Months?” His chest rose and fell on a deep breath. “I thought…but it seems I was mistaken.” Turning to Blair he said. “I thank you for the opportunity you gave me to share your knowledge of your beautiful wife. I will always be grateful but she belongs to you and your generosity could only ever be temporary.”
    He bent slightly from the waist, a formal, but oddly fitting farewell. “Have a safe journey.” He turned and headed for the door.
    “Wait.” Blair’s voice stopped him as he stepped into the corridor. Nick turned. “This doesn’t have to be over. There might be a way.”
    Hope stirred in Elise’s chest. Blair was

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