Sweet Obsession

Read Sweet Obsession for Free Online

Book: Read Sweet Obsession for Free Online
Authors: Theodora Koulouris
of my dress, and as he looked up at me, a twinkle in his eyes told me he was already thinking of later on tonight in our bed. I smiled, looked around the room at everyone, and bowed to them. The people of Arabia bowed back to me, and then they started clapping their approval. I looked quickly at the queen, and I thought I saw a smile on her face. I noticed that even the king looked pleasantly pleased, and Nidal, my handsome prince, looked dashing with his long, lean body clad in king’s attire and all his medals hanging loose on his jacket. A crown was on his head, and truly, he looked like the next king of Arabia. He looked the role. Now he had to play the role.
    His blue eyes were bright as ever on this festive day, and he was all mine. I could not wait for tonight. I just wanted to be in his arms. I sighed deeply, knowing it would be many hours before I could enjoy his naked body on mine. I loved him so much. As if Nidal read my thoughts, he winked at me, letting me know that he was also thinking the same thing as I was.
    My prince led me through the crowd, as they all spread apart and opened a path for us to walk through. My prince and I stepped outside where there must have been thousands upon thousands patiently waiting for our appearance. Nidal took my hand in his and raised it in the air, showing everyone that I was his choice of a bride. Suddenly everyone was applauding and cheering loudly. Rose petals were thrown at us as we walked down the stairs outside the long stairway toward the people.
    I was overwhelmed. Nidal noticed and held me tight. The cheering grew louder and louder. The fireworks started as everyone stared and cheered. What a night this is going to be.
    Little, wide-eyed children walked up to me, reached over, and handed me flowers. Hundreds of children were forming a circle around us, and they started singing a song. Soon the huge crowd sang along with them, and I looked up at Nidal. He was staring down at me with such love, adoration to be exact. I swallowed, not knowing what to say.
    This welcome and acceptance I was receiving from the people of Arabia, Nidal’s people, touched me. It was easy to see that they loved their prince as he stood proudly and bowed to the crowd. The people clapped thunderously and cheered loudly with tears of joy that, at last, the prince had brought a wife to them: a princess, their future queen. Finally, they accepted me, and I was overwhelmed with joy.
    The fun had begun. There was dancing in the streets, and fires were ablaze everywhere as the cooks roasted lambs on spits. The mouthwatering aroma traveled in the air, making everyone a victim of hunger. There was wine, and everyone was drinking to our health, or so they said. It was a merry night. I looked up and saw the stars twinkle in the dark sky, as if they also danced to the song of approval. It was an unforgettable night.
    Nidal never let go of my hand as we walked around the streets greeting everyone. The people were so kind to me. Their acceptance touched my heart. Nidal stopped and talked with everyone we encountered. He was genuinely happy, and his smile made his face glow with the love he felt for his people. I was so proud of him. My heart swelled with happiness.
    Sometime later into the night, after we were stuffed with delicious food and wine and had greeted about a million people, I felt exhausted, but Nidal asked me to dance with him. I could not deny him this. My handsome prince swirled me around the dance floor as all the onlookers applauded. I was getting a little dizzy, so I rested my head on his shoulders. Nidal pulled my body closer to his. The music slowed down. The song they were playing was slow and sensual, and we moved to the rhythm of the music, relaxing in each other’s arms.
    Nidal’s lips touched my neck, kissing me softly, and I felt goose bumps go up and down my spine. I closed my eyes and lost myself in his arms.
    Nidal squeezed me tight, and when I looked up at him, he leaned down

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